The Xenophobic French
Update: an apology was issued. We strongly protest the characterisation of the French (citizens of France) as xenophobic, as written in Antonia Zerbisias’ column dated June 13th 2008.
Update: an apology was issued. We strongly protest the characterisation of the French (citizens of France) as xenophobic, as written in Antonia Zerbisias’ column dated June 13th 2008.
Another “surrender” cliché was found today in a restaurant review penned by Ken Scrudato for BlackBook Media. “Who says the French surrender too easily? Le big shot chef Alain Ducasse,…
Putting down the French, no matter how trivial the issue, is just too easy for many journalists, pundits and talking heads.In the last month we were graced with surrender jokes…
Between 1940 and 1945, France was the second most bombed country of the War after Germany. By liberation, the Allies had dropped 600 000 bombs on 1500 cities, towns and…
With Official French Bashing (2003-2007) now as irrelevant as Fox News, “surrender jokes” should have been on the way out. The opposite now seems to be the case with a…
Canadian columnist resorts to Anti-French slurs We at, are not interested in editorializing France’s position vis à vis NATO, nor Nicolas Sarkozy’s new commitment to Afghanistan. Political experts and…
Dear America, Some of you have finally witnessed that Jay Leno is an insensitive, patronizing buffoon. While interviewing Ryan Phillippe, over his first role as a gay teen on daytime…
The so-called “fair and balanced” news channel, world famous for its frequent and incessant French Bashing, is losing ground and relevancy in America. The channel has been the focus point…
Last Wednesday, Fox New’s John Gibson marked the anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq War with another stab at France: Remember, France had been bought off with oil for…
When the American Air Force awarded a $30+ billion contract to EADS, the European parent company of Airbus, several politicians seized the opportunity to renew with another round of French…