Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

Another “surrender” cliché was found today in a restaurant review penned by Ken Scrudato for BlackBook Media. “Who says the French surrender too easily? Le big shot chef Alain Ducasse, for one, is a Gaul with gall.” (…) “After his eponymous and debut New York restaurant finally raised the white flag in 2007″

Our immediate response was: “Enough with the clichés. A historical fact from sixty years ago does not make a character trait.”

But wait, there’s more! In a previous entry, whilst describing the new Koko hotel in Montréal, Ken Scrudato described French-Canadians as “those artful, Frenchie Quebecois”. The fact the word “Frenchie” is considered “chiefly derogatory” as defined by the Oxford Dictionary seems not to bother neither Ken nor BlackBook Media. Maybe Ken should team up with Bill O’Reilly the next time he reviews a Harlem restaurant.

By admin

7 thoughts on “Obsession With Surrender (II)”
  1. Re: “In a previous entry, whilst describing the new Koko hotel in Montréal, Ken Scrudato described French-Canadians as “those artful, Frenchie Quebecois”. ”

    And French Canadians didn’t rise to the occasion to correct Scrudato’s ‘disdainful’ use of the descriptive artifact, i.e., ‘Frenchie’? Extraordinary!

  2. ” “Who says the French surrender too easily? Le big shot chef Alain Ducasse, for one, is a Gaul with gall.” (…) “After his eponymous and debut New York restaurant finally raised the white flag in 2007″”

    White flag? I feel like we should raise the oriflamme…

  3. Hi, SF.
    What do you think of this statement made by Greg on your blog ?

    “Greg says:

    April 22nd, 2008 at 9:20 am

    People who scour the internet everyday looking for something negative written about the French, and then who find themselves outraged when they find it, remind me of the numerous Imus fans who suddenly decided Imus had to go after he uttered the words “nappy headed ho’s.”

    The Guardian is offensive, as any self-respecting American who has had the misfortune of reading it can tell you. It’s just about the most anti-American rag in the western world. Why, just recently on their “Comment is Free” page, there was a debate on just how fascist America is these days. One reason among many I don’t read the Guardian.

    Oh, wait, you say just had the same debate? Oh, er…

    Anyway, I thought Zombie’s letter was good, but it won’t change a damned thing. Sean Michaels is happy so many people are reading his column, and the Guardian website can brag about the extra “hits.”

  4. Thanks Link Guy.
    I wrote : “Galliphobia? Fear of Gallipoli?
    Even Google says: Did you mean: Gallophobia

    “Those were the good old days of Freedom Fries and Liberty Kissing.”

    Yeah, four years of hell for French Expatriates… Ask anyone at or “

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