Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

World soccer can whip up a nationalist frenzy like nothing else. This is also a time when French Bashing becomes popular in many circles; sports writers and commentators for instance. This year will be no exception if France qualifies for the next rounds. wins, loses or … does anything at all really.

A reminder of things past:

  • In 2006, even in Canada, we had to contend with snide comments from George Stroumboulopoulous (who never apologized) and Bob Magee at CHFI (who apologized graciously).
  • In 1998, France’s win against Brazil marked the beginning of a new wave of surrender jokes in America including Letterman’s Top Ten: “Top Ten Signs France Is Celebrating Their Soccer Victory: 8. Surrendering to Germany.”

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13 thoughts on “FIFA 2010”
  1. I am thinking that the bashing is from the normal sources and is not any expansion into new frontiers.

  2. I have to say that this year’s french soccer team doesn’t help us getting rid of French bashing…

  3. Any preceived mistake or “failure” will be jumped upon. We just need to recognize this and do our best to push back like this website does.

  4. I am not hearing negatives, except from the expected sources. Generally, I hear “that’s a shame” and “better luck next time”. Fortunately, with the US winning, there is a lack of desire to bash anyone, except maybe England.

  5. In other news…..yesterday a French soldier was killed and another wounded in Afghanistan fighting world terrorism….French-bashers in the US and elsewhere are celebrating.

  6. ^^^
    They’ll never even hear about it.
    You think the American or British media are gonna run the risk of giving credit to French soldiers ?
    Their viewership would probably send them death threats and rant about  how “we saved their asses”.

  7. Barney, you are so correct. I find it very hard to believe, but, many of my fellow Americans, that I mention French losses to, are taken aback, since they didn’t even know that the French were in Afganistan. Some still don’t believe me. VERY, very sad.

  8. Je viens de découvrir qu’il fallait payer maintenant pour avoir accès au blog de Bremner.
    J’espère que ça va faire baisser la fréquentation de ce blog nauséabond.
    J’espère surtout que les français qui  participaient à ce blog ne vont pas accapter de payer pour se faire insulter par des xénophobes comme rocket et les autres.
    Murdoch et sa bande de raclures sont assez riches comme ça.

  9. Je viens de découvrir qu’il fallait payer maintenant pour avoir accès au blog de Bremn er.
    J’espère que ça va faire baisser la fréquentation de ce blog nauséabond.
    J’espère surtout que les français qui  participaient à ce blog ne vont pas accepter de payer pour se faire insulter par des xénophobes comme r   ocket et les autres.
    Murdoch et sa bande de raclures sont assez riches comme ça.

  10. An elderly French citizen is murdered by Al-Qeda.  Anti-French Americans celebrate.  In other news, recently the Lebanese government is increasingly worried over4 the anti-French stance by Hezbollah after attacks on French UNIFIL troops.  It is plainly obvious to everyone with half a brain, that American Conservatives /Republicans have more in common with Hezbollah terrorists than they care to admit.

    France has been fighting Islamic terrorism LONG before 9/11, but you wouldn’t know that by reading comments on the Fox”News” website.     Question, can hezbollah sleeper cells in the US register as Republicans in time for the next elections?  Palin may need them.

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