Wed. May 8th, 2024

Yes. It’s back. Nothing like during the Iraq war of course, but proof none the less that anti-French prejudice is alive and well in American Pop Culture. A few minutes on twitter suffice…

Here are a few articles and comments worthy of note.

By admin

83 thoughts on “French Bashing is Back”
  1. Réponse à M Bourguilleau :  “Chercher les racines du French Bashing dans l’histoire post-coloniale américaine peut sembler logique à un Français, mais c’est une erreur grossière.

    En fait, comme nous l’avons souvent remarqué sur – la grande majorité des Américains connaissent assez mal l’histoire de leur propre pays. Si quelques chroniqueurs de droite la connaissent (ceux du NRO par exemple), la majorité des intervenants vivent dans un monde qui puise ses sources dans la culture radio-télévisuelle du pays. Vous avez bien fait de citer les Simpsons, mais ce ne sont de fait qu’un facteur mineur. C’est auprès des Jay Leno (Le Ruquier américain, et c’est méchant pour Ruquier) – les Howard Stern et tout un pan des écrivains de films, de télé-séries qu’il faut se retourner. Ces derniers qui se complaisent à écrire des blagues a tour de bras ne savent puiser que dans le facile, le récent. La guerre d’Irak leur a permis de ressasser la mémoire de la défaite de 1940. Français = pouilleux, capitulard, défaitiste, vichyste en son sein.

    L’autre moteur du French Bashing est bien évidemment le parti Républicain qui déteste le modèle social et politique français avec une véhémence sans égal. Si l’hyper-majorité des anti-Français politiques se trouvent dans leurs rangs, ce n’est pas une erreur ni un hasard. La droite, les Républicains, détestent l’idée d’un système de sécurité sociale à la Française. Donc, pour désarmer leurs rivaux politiques, les Démocrates progressistes, les Républicains ont détruit leur idole: la France. “

  2. On a side note, Arnaud sent us an email during the height of the horrors in Japan. An American blogger, based in Japan wrote a piece suggesting French cowardice was at play when the Quai d’Orsay issued an advisory note asking French citizens to leave the Tokyo region as soon as possible.

  3. It has not always been that way. Even after World War II, there were positive portrayals of Frenchmen in american pop culture, like Emile de Becque in South Pacific, Lebeau in Hogan’s Heroes, or Inspector Henri Barthélémy in French Connection II. It seems to have changed in the seventies, probably because Americans needed a scapegoat after their defeat in VietNam in 1975. Of course, it’s only a theory, but something tells me that if they did a remake of Hogan’s Heroes, Lebeau would become a Vichy spy trying to pin something wrong on Hogan.

  4. “”Réponse à M Bourguilleau””

    Bonne réponse miquelon.
    Tu as entièrement raison. Mais quand je vois que la plupart des commentaires sur ce site donnent raisons aux French-bashers, c’est désespérant.
    Ignorance is bliss…

  5. A quick scan through most news sites and various blogs and forum regarding the Libyian crisis will show a sharp increase in French-bashing.  It’s quite remarkable, given leading role France has taken in this affair.   What we have always suspected is really now true, anti-French sentiment in large segments of the American population has not only taken hold, but have become popular and part of the national conscience.  Historical revisionism plays a large part in this.  The anti-French hatred has no bounds. 

    If tomorrow, an Al-Qaida terrorist destroys Paris with a nuclear device, I predict the Conservatives/GOP members would immediately become card-carrying members of the official OBL glee/fan club.

  6. La France sous les projecteurs – French Morning : Entre son leadership dans l’intervention libyenne et la déconfiture des élections cantonales, les journalistes américains ne ratent pas une occasion de décortiquer les hauts et les bas de la popularité de Nicolas Sarkozy. La sortie américaine de “Potiche” et le portrait de Claude Angeli du Canard Enchaîné dans le NY Times placent aussi la France sous les feux de la rampe.

  7. France is the armpit of europe, hence why you have not been invaded in years. Noone wants to. A tourist bus from Luxembourg once tried to enter and a guy had a pair of toenail clippers and half your army surrendered.

  8. Funny how you surrendered, and have not replied unless with a fake account. Must be in your genes, to give up. Why not post my comments you were responding to, typical french coward! for the whole conversation not just Pepe’ LeStinks comment follow me @ ElvisKnievil

  9. I am so glad you allowed our banter to be posted. Why live in America if you are hated? Cause we are still better than France. Not true, then move back. You are the only people who could turn a great thing like Disneyland, a place everyone in the world wants to go, into an atrocity noone wants to visit. Do you salt snails to watch them die or taste better?

  10. By the way I have been to your country a few times while in your former occupiers country. I would have let the allies take it back to. hy is your fighter named the mirage, cause during wars it isnt there. The only french to invade are the salemen. Chirac the hero in legal trouble? Sell nukes and weapons to Iraq, and we’re the bad guys. Your most famous general was Corsican? He built the Arc de Triumph, how’d that campaign end again? 

  11. Miquelon incorrectly talked about Texas gaining independence from Mexico by surrenduring to the US. The difference between the battle of the Alamo, a small inrrelevant church and the entire country of France, is that the Texasn were outnumbered 20 to 1 and chose to fight on, not like the entire French population of which 1.5 million soldiers who went into captivity rather than fight. Americans fight, while the French talk. We do both better.

  12. I am surprised you know the word douche since it is a hygeine product and you French stay away from those. Have you been Americanized? Again people French is not a race so I am not a racist. French is a culture, based on Nationality that noone likes, so I’ma nationalist.

  13. Look I know it may be hard for you to understand, it certainly is disturbing that while the US was at war with Japan and Germany and you were our backseat allies during WW II, we for someone dislike you more. Maybe its not us, its you. Take a long look in the mirror.

  14. It’s obvious that Elvis doesn’t know anything about France or French culture.  He must be in junior high school.

  15. I have been there a few times, and couldn’t wait to leave. There is a reason the French invented perfume, and it wasn’t because they smell like roses naturally. What the difference between bigfoot and a french woman, bigfoot is better groomed and doesn’t need as much perfume. 

  16. Do you realize just  how predictable and boring you are …
    Is that really the best you can do?

    I’m disappoint.

  17. il est complétement allumé cet Elvis, je suis hilare rien qu’a imaginer la fébrilité de ce guignol, lorsqu’il poste ses blagounettes a deux balles , vraiment un bel exemple du célèbre  bourin de base. Quelqu’un pourrait il me dire dans quelle animalerie je peux en acheter un?  Je voudrais le même dans mon salon, posé au dessus de la télé.

  18. So boring that Pepe leStink blocked my @tweets. Guess he’s sad and dare I say it he “surrendered”? Oh, and for the record you guys were not the first to do anything about Libya. Remeber in 1986 when we wanted to bomb the same guy for being a terorist, and you said no? We bombed them like they Luftwaffe did you. Bombing people is what we do, running away is what your heroes like Degaulle do. Who was the Vichy government by the way history buff?

  19. Vichy, hygiene, surrender. Yawn…

    We’re kind of  French-bashing experts here. We’ve seen it all.
    You’re been very average so far.

    On the other hand you just reinforce just about every negative stereotype people have about your country so you’re pretty useful in a way.

    But seriously can you try and be a little more original ? It’s no fun otherwise.

  20. I guess this lack of vim and vigor, yawm is what you do. Hence the stereotype of a french soldier smoking a cigarette as Panzer storm his capital and his country is taken over. Yawn, have my women, I like boys better anyway? We are now MostWestern Germany, yawn, but I can still have champagne. French pride is a yawn.

  21. Let me play the devil’s advocate Elvis and weigh in on this arguement. I live a stone’s throw from your country, which I have visited a couple of hundred times in my life and I have also visited France on a couple of occasions; my conclusion, I’ll take France any day of the week and twice on Sundays. I doubt that a bigoted redneck like yourself has ever left the U.S or even ventured too far from your trailer park. Don’t make assumptions about Frech hygiene because I can tell you that’s it’s way better than anything I’ve witnessed in the States. And by the way, I don’t appreciate you using the Elvis monicker because he had way too much class to have his name associated with you.

  22. Ramjet is your name or what  you like to do to farm animals. If that stones throw perhaps the frozen tundra of wetsern france? I have ventured far from my trailer park ehhh. I have visited almost all 50 states, all over Europe which is beautiful except for the frog country, the middle east, balkans, and have very close friends from south america and australia. Yet everyone except the french or their incestuous cousins canadiens, hate the french. Google it, cause that like everything else awesome is American you snail eating stinky uptight person descended from anyone french. Let’s pretend it is 1940 and quit this shallow weakly planned defense. The Beligians might share some traits but at least they tried to defend themselves, I have also visited Bastogne to by the way. Next time a tour bus from Austria come to your border guard on a childrens field trip the scissors are child proof, tell your border guards not to run.

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  26. Well, at first I was likeat : “No, not that sh**t again !” Then I read some comments which make me think that the guys from f==kfrance escaped from their mental hospital…  I don’t where those “caricatures” come from, but I guess it’s from friends of the GOP.

  27. Long time no see, Miquelon.

    Wow, a blast from the past, with borderline retarded French-bashers and all! Had some fun over at the Yahoo news boards a couple days ago, baiting the bashers. They must be feeling pretty confused, now — in Iraq we were CESMs because we didn’t want to go to war, now we’re CESMs because we… want to go to war?

    Anyhow, keep up the good fight, Marc.

  28. What you don’t seem to have grasped, elvipoo, is that your predictable and hysterical anti-French rants  that we’ve heard a million times before reflect badly on you not on us.

    We could bash Americans just as easily but that would mean we’d have to lower down to your level, that of a slimy creepy coward throwing racial epithets and insults behind the safety of his computer screen.
    That’s not what not this site is about. This is what you and your ilk of ignorant xenophobes are and have always been about.

    But I gotta give you credit for one thing, though. It’s rare to see someone so proud to flaunt their ignorance and sheer stupidity to the world…
    Texas, huh ?

    Dance fatty, dance. Entertain us.

  29. Don’t concern yourselves too much with Elvis and John Wayne my fellow bloggers, they don’t much like Canucks either.

  30. Here’s something to hang your hat on Elvis, American culture, or lack of; the NRA, the Mafia, Man vs Food(gluttony), Kill Teams(Iraq & afghanistan), celebrity worship, theme parks, trailer parks,rednecks, GWB, NASCAR, hillbillies, obesity, racism, I could go on all day but you get the picture. Before you start bashing another country take a good look in your own back yard.

  31. Yeah all thos sterotypes, yet we are the world’s only superpower. Too bad nobody wants to live here, oh wait don’t you all live here? Yeah America is such a pit that no immigranst ever try and get in, wait for it you all did. That is why you have this tasty little piece on the web because you hate being hated. Here’s what you should do. Don’t tell people you are french. I still have no idea why we hate you people more than the people we were at war with during world war II, maybe it is beause at least they would fight for something. While you’re listing our stereotypes, list our accomplishments. There isn’t enough room on this blog. List yours, there is enough room on a single tweet. Go sip from your bidet and please get your women electrolysis.

  32. ” still have no idea why we hate you people more than the people we were at war with during world war II.”

    So French hater number 378951222# is also a nazi admirer. Nice.
    Finally you’re confirming what many of us have been saying for years about your ilk. Thank you.

    You’re aware you don’t speak for all Americans, right, you little creep ?

  33. @elvisknievil By calling the French monkeys, do you mean you believe we are subhuman? You may have more in common with Hitler than I tought

    looks like Miquelon was right on the money.
    Michael Allen, the little Nazi sympathizer from Texas.

    Dance, fatty, Dance.

  34. I am thrilled that you all say that you do not care, or call be a nazi sympathizer. If you do not care so much about what others especially a bunch of your words here, fat, racist, uneducated, incestuous, redneck, hillbillies think then why have a little place on the web to complain about us hating you. Why take time to post articles about what we think if you do not care about what we think. Maybe you should try and change the stereotype instead of bitching about it. Take a shower, start and finish a war on your own, and get your women to shave (pits, mustaches, legs, and backs included ), and quit drinking out of the bidets. I would say touche’ but much like the entire male population of your country, that would be both french and gay.

  35. ^^
    We, we , we
    Who is we ?

    You’re some ignorant xenophobe on some bizarre anti French crusade and you’re also an avowed nazi sympathizer.
    You don’t speak for a majority of Americans.
    Because it would be tragic if you did. More so for Americans than it would be for us.
    You’re not that deluded, are you ?

    We’re well aware of what people like you have been trying to do and we take offense to it not because we care what jokes like you think of us but because most of  us love the US and France.

  36. ” what others especially a bunch of your words here, fat, racist, uneducated, incestuous,redneck, hillbillie

    To be fair I have no proof that you’re fat.
    Considering  your diarrhea-like contribution to this site so far , inbreeding is pretty likely and I’ll stand by it. Which would make redneck and hillbilly a bit redundant, I agree.

  37. Elvira, it’s not a frenchman insulting you, it’s a Canadian.I’ve lived my whole life just 5 minutes from the U.S border town of Buffalo. We’ve had to endure loud, obnoxious assholes like you every Friday and Saturday nite as they bar hopped all over Niagara and southern Ontario trying to be, like you would say, manly. It’s unfortunate that for every decent American I’ve met over the years I meet losers still meet losers like you. By the way, 1812 was a great year for this country.

  38. [In submitting a comment, use a valid email address that belongs to you so that we may contact you with a question or clarification. does not collect email addresses or use them for any other purpose. If you use a fake email, and your content is otherwise questionable, your comment may be deleted. If you do not want your email address to show publicly, you can enter an URL for a website in the space provided; the software will then link to that address, not your email.]

  39. So basically you’re better than everyone on the planet because you won the birth lottery and were born in America;
    Cool story, bro.
    I bet you have great accomplishments to your name. Obviously. lol

  40. [In submitting a comment, use a valid email address that belongs to you so that we may contact you with a question or clarification. does not collect email addresses or use them for any other purpose. If you use a fake email, and your content is otherwise questionable, your comment may be deleted. If you do not want your email address to show publicly, you can enter an URL for a website in the space provided; the software will then link to that address, not your email.

    Hmmm here’s what **** says cut and pasted
    Basque (bsk)
    1. A member of a people of unknown origin inhabiting the western Pyrenees and the Bay of Biscay in France and Spain.
    Guess they only bomb Spain cause they don’t want france, nobody does. [Blog Comment Rules – Through your use of this site, you agree that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, abusive, malign, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. Remember the 8th grade rule: if you wouldn’t post it in your daughter or son’s grade 8 class, why post it at all?  Why give shit about us? You know exactly why Barney; because we are the big kid on the block. Like the small child you are you; need us to like you. We don’t so you cry to your mommy. Run along little boy, there is only one super power. Don’t tell me how you will laugh when we fall or whatnot because that is hypothetical and much like your country, it doesn’t matter.

  41. [In submitting a comment, use a valid email address that belongs to you so that we may contact you with a question or clarification. does not collect email addresses or use them for any other purpose. If you use a fake email, and your content is otherwise questionable, your comment may be deleted. If you do not want your email address to show publicly, you can enter an URL for a website in the space provided; the software will then link to that address, not your email.]

  42. [In submitting a comment, use a valid email address that belongs to you so that we may contact you with a question or clarification. does not collect email addresses or use them for any other purpose. If you use a fake email, and your content is otherwise questionable, your comment may be deleted. If you do not want your email address to show publicly, you can enter an URL for a website in the space provided; the software will then link to that address, not your email.]

  43. You don’t like us ? Thanks for the scoop.  Oh my God I don’t know if I can live with myself now.

    Being hated so much by the ignorant, intolerant ultra conservative retards you represent, people who are at least as despised as the French the world over,  is a great badge of honor for us.
    Just so you know.

    What now, elvipoo ?
    Another rant that nobody ‘s gonna read before dinner (some crap you must be eating too) ? You can do it.

    Dance, fatty. Dance.

  44. I hate to remind or educate you that the websites namesake is made up of people who are so sick of the of being french they have been bombing Spain for the last 50 years.

    Your ability to completely fail at understanding what you just read on wikipedia is pretty mind boggling.

  45. [In submitting a comment, use a valid email address that belongs to you so that we may contact you with a question or clarification. does not collect email addresses or use them for any other purpose. If you use a fake email, and your content is otherwise questionable, your comment may be deleted. If you do not want your email address to show publicly, you can enter an URL for a website in the space provided; the software will then link to that address, not your email.]

  46. Michael, I don’t hate Americans, I’ve made many there  friends over the years, I just loathe the low life pompous assholes like you who make Americans look bad throughout the world. You are correct when you state  your country’s many accomplishments, but there is so much that leaves to be desired. You mention that you’re a military man, hard to believe, as your present military employs nothing but racist, rapist (Abu Graib), drug induced mercenaries (Blackwater) and murderers ( Kill Teams in Iraq & Afghanistan),yep real macho, as long as the other guy isn’t wielding a gun . And you wonder why they hate you. One last note about you brave lads, when are you guys going to grow big one and go up against the hated Russians or the Pinko commie Chinese. Not so brave now , eh.

  47. Miquelon is French territory. French citizens live there.
    The Basque region of France is typically French. The French beret that scum like you love to caricature us wearing comes from there.

    It’s on the Spanish side that they blow shit up. Yeah retard, the Basque country spans 2 countries.
    The ETA  do not carry out terrorist activites in France unless they can hurt Spanish interests.

    people who are so sick of the of being french they have been bombing Spain for the last 50 years.
    What is the correlation between hating the French and bombing Spain, creepo ?
    Inbreds will be inbreds.

    You know what next time. Just copy paste, if you can handle that, directly from wikipedia.

  48. Wow ! We’re being schooled on Saint-Pierre & Miquelon’s patriotism via the skewed readings of a racist texan. Most amusing !

    “The worst readers are those who behave like plundering troops: they take away a few things they can use, dirty and confound the remainder, and revile the whole.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

  49. Troll Alert is now in vigor.
    Code Orange. Code Orange.

    REMINDER : [In submitting a comment, use a valid email address that belongs to you so that we may contact you with a question or clarification. does not collect email addresses or use them for any other purpose. If you use a fake email, and your content is otherwise questionable, your comment may be deleted. If you do not want your email address to show publicly, you can enter an URL for a website in the space provided; the software will then link to that address, not your email.]

  50. Hey Elvis, I’ve yet to receive a reply from my last post. What is your take on my analogy about your armed forces?

  51. Why give shit about us?

    Newsflash: this site wouldn’t exist if you didn’t give a shit about us. You started this. We’d rather you didn’t a give a shit you know.

  52. @Miquelon en fait il y a bien des choses que vous ne pouvez pas supporter vous les français. La liberté d’expression est une d’entre elle.

    C’est vrai que la liberté d’expression sur internet n’est pas très populaire en France. Il y a plus de 15 jours le Conseil Constitutionnel de France validait la censure de l’internet en France. La police française a maintenant le droit d’implanter des virus-policier sur les ordinateurs de n’importe quel français. Je vous vois mal en train de faire la leçon aux américains.

    Cela a eu pour effet de faire devenir anti-français …

  53. @Frederic:

    Je ne vois pas la rapport entre le french-bashing et la liberté d’expression.

    Ni le rapport entre la liberté d’expression et ce que fait la police française sur internet.
    Et on n’a pas besoin de faire de leçon aux américains puisqu’ils le font déjà et, sans ancuns doutes, à une bien plus grande echelle que la police française.

    Quand a devenir anti-francais pour cette raison…c’est pitoyable.

  54. “”  il y a bien des choses que vous ne pouvez pas supporter vous les français. La liberté d’expression est une d’entre elle.
    Je vous vois mal en train de faire la leçon aux américains.
    Cela a eu pour effet de faire devenir anti-français …””

    Tu n’as absolument rien compris à ce site.
    Au revoir.

  55. In other news…the Fox network is cancelling Glenn Beck’s show because of a lack of advertisers.  Bravo!

  56. @Barney @BritFox
    J’ai très bien compris le site ne vous en faites pas!
    Le site se résume à une bande de gauchistes qui se de fend et critiquent des américains de droite qui critiquent (bash) des français en leur disant leurs  quatres verités.
    Ce que je voulais dire c’est que les américains sont cents fois moins pires que les français derrière les apparences. Je donnais la liberté d’expression comme exemple.

  57. @Frederic – Liberté d’expression et gauchiste ? Vous allez vite en besogne. Tout d’abord, la liberté d’expression existe parfaitement sur ce site mais il y a des règles auxquelles je ne dérogerai jamais. Elles sont parfaitement claires.

    Je ne tolérerai aucun abus du site par l’entremise de fausses adresses de courrier ou l’utilisation de langage abusif. Pour preuve, la grande majorité des messages qui nous critiquent sont toujours en ligne – nous voulons discuter. Mais les insultes et abus n’ont pas de place ici.

    D’ailleurs – et cela m’a valu bien des reproches – j’ai défendu la liberté d’expression de Zemmour. Pas du tout d’accord avec ce dernier sur ses propos, mais son droit est réel et défendable.

    Et pour finir,  gauchiste ? C’est aussi pousser mémé dans les orties ! Je suis centriste depuis toujours, d’autres ici sont de droite, d’autres de gauche. Certes, si vous nous comparez à la droite américaine, nous sommes toujours des gauchistes enragés – c’est le relativisme de la politique.

    Quant au Conseil constitutionnel – c’est un autre sujet et nous serions sans doute d’accord, mais de là a endosser la cape des anti-français, vous faites un pas de trop.

  58. “”Le site se résume à une bande de gauchistes qui se de fend et critiquent des américains de droite qui critiquent (bash) des français en leur disant leurs  quatres verités.””

    Raté, je suis de droite. Des gauchistes qui nous défendent comme ça t’en trouveras pas beaucoup crois moi.
    Nos quatre vérités ?
    Tu fais donc partie de ces gens qui croient que le français est génétiquement lâché, mal lavé et paresseux, c’est ça ?
    Tu n’es en fait qu’un énième agent de cette sale engeance si je comprends bien.

    Ce que je voulais dire c’est que les américains sont cents fois moins pires que les français derrière les apparences.

    Oui et tu as rencontré les 65 millions de français et les 350 millions d’américains pour t’en assurer, c’est ça ?
    Bienvenue dans le monde des généralisations à six franc six sous.

    Non attends laisse moi deviner, tu as vécu en France et tu t’es fait ta propre opinion et tes amis français (parce que comme tout bon French-hater tu as bien sur vécu en France et t’es fait des tonnes d’ amis français) sont d’accord avec toi.

    Putain vous sortez d’où sérieux. lol

    J’ai très bien compris le site ne vous en faites pas!

    Non je confirme que tu n’as rien compris et que tu n’es là qu’en mission commandé.
    Ne pas accepter de se faire chier dessus par nos “amis américains” ne fait pas de nous des anti-américains. C’est un comble quand même.

  59. Surprising I was blocked [Read terms and blog commenting rules] because unlike the obviously coward [sexual slur] uneducated [xenophobic slur] who operates this website I had some proof and facts to add to me debate. Enjoy your lives [sexual slurs] out like an application by the rest of the world. Block me again and delete my posts hero. It beats trying to come up with facts that show how great France is.

  60. Facts ? From you ?
    You’re dreaming, elvipoo.
    Regurgitating ethnic slurs and tired old clichés ain’t facts.
    You wouldn’t have the mental capacity to understand and process anything beyond your third grade level of education anyway…

    The fact that you’ve been trying desperately to post back on this site (after telling us over and over again that we didn’t matter) shows what a real loser you really are. We really got to to you, huh ? lol

    Dance, fatty. Dance.

  61. Just when I thought I was out, he drags me back in. Elvis, you pathetic little dweeb, did you happen to watch the interview Piers Morgan of CNN  had with Jesse Ventura on Saturday nite. That interview pretty well summed up the sad state that the U.S. of A. has been in for quite a while now. Heavily in debt, massively corrupted, hated by virtually every nation on earth, the list went on and on. Oh, and did I mention, cowards for surrendering their freedoms  after 9/11. That last one I added, but everyone knows it.

  62. Now now, let’s not be too harsh on Elvis — he might leave. And what would our lives be without a hilariously incompetent troll for us to make fun of?

  63. Been having some exhausting comment-skirmishes over at the Yahoo news boards. The French-bashing there is rampant. Still, there are several educated Americans who are also joining in to fight the uneducated loudmouths who just spew out the old anti-French jokes.

    Feels like 2003…

  64. ^^
    Thank you for your efforts, André. Much appreciated.

    You have to forgive the brown shirt brigade. It’s been eight years since the French-bashing extravaganza began and to see France still playing a big role , especially a military one, on the international stage is hard to swallow for them. You’re arguing with the kind of people who think France will be an islamic Republic by 2012. Frank something from no pasaran once told me that. They just have no clue about France. France is a concept to them which in their sick minds represent everything they’ve been taught to hate, almost a make believe place and not a country where real people live.
    When these people find themselves in the presence of a Frenchman, whom they realize is a human being just like them capable of harming them if provoked, they keep their mouths shut. It’s pretty pathetic to witness actually.

    Behind their cpu screens they feel like big men and  ‘French’ is just the codeword for the enemy they must put down in the sad video game they’ve created for themselves.
    They have for a long time lost all sense of reality and now live in a Glenn Beck, right wing hate radio, blog, twitter fantasy world where facts and history don’t matter.
    I’d almost pity them.

    ps: In this week’s episode of ’30 rock” they made a joke about how NBC put more failed pilots on the air than the French air force.
    Pretty mind boggling considering what the French air force has been doing in Lybia lately.

  65. Well I’m not surprised by that “joke” from 30 Rock. Remember, Lorne Michaels is a notorious French-Hater and I believe Tina Fey had something to do with that fake anti-French commercial aired on SNL in 2002.

  66. On the positive side of things – my comments are often upvoted over at Reddit. I try not to harp so much on the anti-French thing, but sometimes I just can’t resist :

    Why did the US lose Vietnam?

    miquelon 41 points

    • US loses war. Explain with lots of detail, bullet points, context, examples etc.
    • France loses war. Call them “surrender monkeys” for the next 70 years.
  67. @miquelon
    Pas d’accord pour défendre Zemmour. C’est un beauf qui fait de l’appel à la discrimination raciale. Il est en France ce qui se rapproche le plus de Jay Leno et autre Rush Limbaugh. On ne peut pas le défendre et attaquer le French bashing, c’est incohérent. Qu’il se retrouve devant un tribunal c’est normal, il préconise le genre de discrimination que la FFF essayait de mettre secrètement en oeuvre. Pas de liberté de parole sans responsabilité, je lui souhaite toutes les condamnations qu’il mérite.  

  68. Excellent remarque Jean-Paul qui me donne l’occasion de préciser notre activité :

    Je n’ai jamais demandé de porter plainte contre les French-Bashers. D’ailleurs sera n’aurait pas de sens aux États-Unis sur le plan légal.
    Par contre, faire de la pression par le biais des mêmes médias, de la presse, du web, c’est profiter du même droit qu’eux : notre liberté d’expression.
    Être anti-Français n’est ni un délit ni un crime, par contre c’est une position qui mérite d’être analysée, disséquée, critiquée  et dénoncée par les moyens qui sont les nôtres !
    Et pour revenir à Zemmour, même principe. Liberté d’opinion pour lui comme pour nous. Tous avons nous le droit de le défendre ainsi que le démolir sur le plan des principes, de la rhétorique, enfin votre arme dialectique de prédilection.

  69. Non cette comparaison n’a pas de sens. Zemmour ne s’est pas contenté de dire que les trafiquants étaient souvent des noites et des arabes, il a déclaré comprendre d’un employeur refuse de recruter des noirs et des arabes, ce qui a valeur d’un appel à la discrimination. L’équivalent américain ne serait pas le French Bashing, mais un appel à pratiquer la discrimination telle qu’elle existait dans beaucoup d’Etats américains avant 57. Je ne connais pas exactement la législation des Etats-Unis et je pense qu’elle varie d’un Etat à l’autre, mais je pense que quelqu’un qui ferait cela s’exposerait à des poursuites. Ce n’est pas de l’opinion abstraite mais une incitation à agir de façon discriminatoire.  

  70. Je ne connaissais pas les dernières déclarations de Zemmour – mais il y a différence entre déclarer “comprendre” que d’agir la dessus. Aux États-Unis, c’est l’acte qui serait pénalement réprimé comme en France d’ailleurs, pas le propos ?

  71. Nice catch Barney – too bad we couldn’t alert the French media before it happened.

  72. It is never too late to alert the proper medias.  Given the cultural damage people like J. Goldberg, A. Coulter and other rabid French-bashers, they should be declared persona non grata.   If this is not possible, then every French citizen should be alerted as to who these people are, and what they have said, so that if they are seen in France they should be taken to task for their hateful comments.

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