Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Frank Luntz: If it wasn’t for us, the French would be speaking German right now

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  • Update 2: the video was likely flagged and subsequently restored for viewing

This has to be one of the strangest, out-of-the blue, French Bashing comments ever aired by Fox News. It happened during Hannity & Colmes. The odd exchange came after a clip where Barack Obama’s suggested Americans should learn another language. Barack Obama : “It’s embarrassing when Europeans come over here, they all speak English, they speak French, they speak German. And then we go over to Europe and all we can say is merci beaucoup, right?”

Frank Luntz and Sean Hannity, rejected Obama’s comments as insulting, and then proceeded to wallow in the glorious achievements of unilingual Anglo-America in the worlds of medicine, science, technology …

Sean Hannity then wore the mantle of the liberation of Europe during World War II as another example of America’s glorious achievements, to which Luntz rebounded with a purely Anti-French dunk: “ If it wasn’t for us, the French would be speaking German right now”.

Frank Luntz’s comments – and Sean Hannity’s – are typical of a generation of historical amnesiacs who have reduced World War II to an American endeavor (2% of Allied troops, 3 % of casualties*), completely sideswiping the efforts of the Soviet Union who bled the German War Machine for a year before D-Day at incredible human cost (91 % of Allied troops, 88 % of Allied casualties), and the contributions of the British, Canadians, Australians, Free French and other Allies to the liberation of Europe and the destruction of the IIIrd Reich.

The French, Dutch, Belgians and others owe their freedom – not to America – but to the Allies as a whole. Using the sacrifices of men and women during the most horrendous conflict of the 20th century for petty political points is shameful and beneath contempt.

Sources : Hannity & Colmes – CBS – Wikipedia (Frank Luntz)

Source : Professor Joseph V. O’Brien
Department of History, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
* Numbers exclude China and India

By admin

41 thoughts on “Frank Luntz’s Revisionism”
  1. C’est pas nouveau ! C’est juste la clique qui veut tenter  d’imposer l’anglais à l’univers parce qu’au train ou vont les choses, les Américains finiront par s’hispaniser et les Britanniques parler l’Ourdou. Bref, ils sont vert de trouille.
    Avant de me faire taxer de racisme primaire, je vais jouer les Ryan Tate : donc, je suis ironique, je vous rappellerai que pour ces joyeux drilles, nous sommes un pays musulman (une obsession chez ces types) et que nous parlons l’Arabe Algérien ou le Berbère.
    Maintenant, pourquoi ils sortent ça, à ce moment précis, dans ce contexte, j’en sais rien, ça reste obscur : ils sont peut être payé au nombre de commentaire vachard sur la France par semaine j’en sais rien… C’est un peu l’histoire selon laquelle Kerry avait l’air “trop français” : a pas compris… J’avoue que je n’y comprend goutte.
    Le plus drôle c’est qu’apparament, la France est le numéro un en Europe pour l’Anglais seconde langue.

    Funny, isn’t it ?

  2. La musique de fond, c’est pas une marche soviétique ? Il me semble. Magnifique. Spassiba Tovaritch !

  3. [Warning: An Internet troll is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.]

    He’s right and you (Tos) owe us big time. The Russians (tos) did bear the brunt of German aggression – mostly because the French capitulated so quickly and fought so poorly in WW2, thereby creating “fortress europe”, a relatively secure rear area from which to launch an attack at the SU.  Ultimately, French cowardice and incompetence on the field of battle resulted in the horror and atrocities of the Eastern Front – If the french could have held the line for even two years, or possibly even, perish the thought, ATTACKED while the Germans were cutting down poles like ripe wheat WW2 might have been over in 2 years or less. But no, they sat inside the fortifications of the Maginot line, sleeping late and (tos) while Hitler conquered Poland, Norway and Denmark. TRULY BRAVERY INCARNATE. After the French folded and the BEF skedaddled back to GB it was over for good and all until the Americans decided to save you (tos) from the Germans & the SU – those commisars would have loved to get their hands on those pretty french (tos) no doubt and do just the same as they did to the german frauleins. The SU tankers had a great joke they used to tell their families back in the SU – “1,000,000 of our children were born in germany”; if not for america it would have been 5,000,000 throughout europe you stupid fucking french man. The allies WOULD NEVER HAVE HAD THE MANPOWER, WEAPONRY, OR POLITICAL WILL TO CHALLENGE THE REICH IN EUROPE WITHOUT AMERICA. THAT’S IT. Gestapo or NKVD, Hitler or Stalin – those are your certain historical outcomes without American intervention you french pussies. You think the dutch were sailing to Alsace with an invasion fleet you punks? Good luck covering up all the jews you sent to die BTW,  more from France than any other occupied country you pansies.

  4. Name calling, historical histrionics, monday morning quarterback and arm chair general … We could get down and dirty here and remind our guest how American capital bankrolled Hitler … But what’s the point, his mind seems to be made up.

  5. Mrbad example

    It is very difficult to make conterfactual history. But I think that you are clearly wrong. Without the Britons and Americans France would have liberated itself, but the way for instance Yougoslavia did, under an own national communist leadership. The French Tito would habe been for instance Rol-Tanguy or Tillon.  We could not (for geographical reasons) be invaded by the SU, but a franco-soviet cooperation was enough to liberate France. The US-British landing helped France not to become national-communist but was probably not that essential to liberate her from German occupation.     

  6. Oh, I’m sure mrbadexample will tell us he’s a francophile.  A les écouter ils le sont tous.
    They lecture us about surrendering to the nazis even though they sound like fucking nazis themselves.

    There’s been a lot of bashers and apologists appearing in the past few hours. 
    I wonder what’s up with that

  7. [Warning: An Internet troll is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.]


    You are either insane or 12 years old, the French loved them some fascism –  the commies only started blowing up trains and ambushing small groups of germans AFTER it was clear they were going to be liberated by the Allied forces. Facing the HEER in actual combat, controlling land, building an authentic fight force for liberation like Tito did (something even the Poles managed to accomplish despite constant reprisals) was never on the menu for the snail suckers … much too dangerous. If Hitler has beaten the SU to a draw on the Eastern front you would, indeed, all be speaking German now. If the Germans had lost the SU would have razed all before them, they wouldn’t have stopped ’till they reached the med and crapped in all the fancy bowls at Marseilles. 

    It should be said, however, that nobody was more helpful to the Nazi’s than the Vichy regime (gleefully handing over 75,000 jews to be executed) so there is a chance Hitler may have let you keep a smidgen of your ridiculous national pride and allowed french to be spoken without reprisal, out of a sense of grandiosity. The simple fact is WW1 sucked the will to fight from the french and they have yet to recover it. Admittedly their losses were atrocious, perhaps the gene pool was just wiped clean of brave men and what lives now are just the descendants of the dregs?

  8. Can you ban this (by respect for your work, miquelon, I will stay polite) guy, please ?

    I mean, if even here on an anti French bashing blog, we have to be confronted with that racist revisonist filth, it kind of negates the point.

    We have enough on our plates already with fighting those people on other blogs (we’ve all done it) sans avoir à se les coltiner ici en plus.

  9. Well, it’s painfull to admit it, but I think that mrbadexample is right here when he says that it is impossible that France had liberated only by itself, neither Yougoslavia did : they left the country, certainly harrassed by Tito’s partisans, but they lest because fronts were collapsing in the Est, and they need troops. So we owe very much to the ALLIES and particularly USA AND UK.
    Nevertheless, one should be considered as an ignoramus, if he choose to diminish or to ignore the very existance, and role, of the resistance movement in the whole Europe and in France : an estimated 200k to 400k enrolled in the resistance (roughly the same than it’s Polish counterpart) making it amongst the largest resistance movement. US General (I am certain about Einsenhower, and perhaps Patton – he NEVER made that infamant joke about french tanks divisions -) aknowledged the vital importance of the french resistance for D-Day for example… This was joke Jay Leno which makes Jay Leno laugh.
    As for the “decayed gene pool theory” according to Mrbadexample, well, I think that crap deserve to be qualified as racist and morronic (pleonasm : a racist is a morron), at very least, but think that Mrbadexample is no more than a sort of neonazis.

  10. Onion Johnny. Don’t debate this guy, man.

    Please, you’re better than this.
    Don’t even acknowledge the scum as if  he was something more than a
    racist troll from fuckfrance or no pasaran.

    Tu lui fais vraiment trop d’honneur là.

  11. Onion Johnny, please don’t debate this racist troll.

    You’re better than this , man.
    Even acknowledging the scum as something other than a racist troll from ff or no pasaran should be an insult to your intelligence.

    Tu lui fais trop d’honneur là.
    Laisse le pourir dans sa haine et sa conneire jusqu’à ce qu’on s’occupe de lui.

  12. “You’re better than this , man.
    Even acknowledging the scum as something other than a racist troll from ff or no pasaran should be an insult to your intelligence.”

    Tu vas me faire rougir…

  13. Two things:
    1) I refuse to be held – or to hold anyone – perpetually and collectively guilty for the actions of our forefathers (Vichy – Antisemitism – Colonialism). My point remains: WWII was a horror among horrors, and I thank all veterans equally,be they that gentleman at the CrackerBarrel in Buffalo NY,or be they from Newfoundland, or my uncles who joined the RAF, or the 2e DB,or vets from Yorkshire, Senegal or Moskva. They are not fodder for political hacks from FoxNews or Trolls.

    2) Please respect the terms of service

    Sorry for any typos, using iPod Touch.

  14. Sorry Miquelon but it isn’t that simple, you condemn America for saving you with the same tongue you praise yourselves? Awfully hypocritical and outright “revisionist”. Nobody blames “You” for Vichy but WW2 was perhaps the worst hour in all of french history and America did, indeed, save you all from the Germans or the SU or from just killing more innocent Jews. Grow up and stop pointing your finger at a stupid politician who is humorously pointing out THE TRUTH.

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  15. mrbad – much aware off all this, and like many compatriots have learned of and about this in High School and through multiple cultural and societal channels. Enough organ grinding. Please read previous comment.

  16. [Warning: An Internet troll is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.]

    “Enough organ grinding” LOL, so why the long face when we poke a little fun at you surrender monkeys? All of the sudden it’s “france bashing” and American revisionism. You’re just a tad sensitive and I was explaining why to the uninitiated. If you can’t take it, don’t make such inane posts.  You were taking issue with the fact that America claims credit for winning WW2, right? Well, we deserve to. The French, however, deserve no credit. It is a subject you would all do well to steer clear of. The historical facts back me up, not you. Trying to make french bashing into some sort of PC call to arms is silly, boring and ultimately hilarious which is why I just had to stop by. Thanks for the yucks.

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  17. Onion Johnny
    “they left the country, certainly harrassed by Tito’s partisans, but they lest because fronts were collapsing in the Est, and they need troops.”
    But that ‘s exactly what would have happened in France it the Anglo-American landing had never happened.

  18. Just a little example for Mrbadexample (how did you ever pick up such a name?).

    “In 1944, as a reprisal for a Resistance atack, SS troops murdered 642 residents of tiny Oradour-sur-Glane, including 190 children and several Jews the villagers were sheltering.    Only two residents survived, a woman and an eight year old boy.   No AMERICAN, not even a war veteran like Rooney, has THE RIGHT to make easy judgments about what happened in occupied France”   Thane Peterson

    That about says it all.  I have used that one example among many to shut the mouth of arrogant people just like you!

    You have no idea of what war is.   Just get off your wild west psychology and grow up.

    I am 86 years old, was a member of the resistance in the French/Italian Alps and know what happened.   Get off your horses, please.

  19. Bon au revoir, miquelon.

    Je ne peux plus rester sur ce blog si des energumènes comme mrbadexample sont pris au sérieux et débattus comme si de rien n’était.

    Ce n’est pas supportable.
    Pourquoi faites vous son jeux comme ça ?

  20. Barney – quelques jours encore et ce sera sans aucun doute le banissement – je suis en déplacement pour l’instant.

  21. [Warning: An Internet troll is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.]

    Maryse :

    You get off YOUR HOURSE (tos). The myth of french “resistance” is easy to dispell once one looks at the facts. The massacre at Oradour-sur-Glane was an SS excess that WAS NOT ACTUALLY CAUSED BY ANY PARTISAN ACTIVITY! I repeat, the partisans did not even incite the SS to act! A rumor had spread the french partisans had captured an SS officer while in reality they were with you, having a wine and cheese party, smoking and talking philosophy! There were no SS officers being held him at Oradour-sur-Glane –  IT WAS NOT TRUE. Even after the SS had looted the town and discovered that fact they killed off the villagers anyway, slowly, and for the fun of it. That’s what the SS did for fun. I do not make “easy judgments” about the french resistance, it is well known that they were an impediment to the Allies. Any comments to the contrary were made to soothe the delicate feeling of the french who had been so deeply shamed.  One has only to look at the numerous accounts of the Allied soldiers who landed at D-Day, over and over in all of their personal accounts they comment on how fat and happy the Normans looked while their families and loved ones were stick thin from rationing.  They wrote of finding normans LOOTING THE BODIES OF DEAD ALLIED SOLDIERS! So much so that guards had to be posted to keep these norman botflys from the bodies. The Normans loved the Germans, never wanted them to leave! VIVA LA FRANCE!

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  22. [Warning: An Internet troll is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.]

    Also, how can we forget the wonderful work of the French Resistance during the Battle of the Bulge, probably the most important battle  fought by the Allies for the French themselves! I’ll keep it short: Basically Hitler threw everything he could at the Allies in December ”44 in an attempt to destroy the British forces north of the Ardenne. He lauched two huge attacks, one against the allies around Bastogne and a diversionary attack in Alsace. The Americans were hard pressed and fought hard just to hold the line (that’s what AMERICANS do) however they had to draw off forces from the southern region to support their defense and logically, when you have fewer forces, you take a shorter line of defense. Eisenhower wanted the Seventh Army to withdraw to shortened lines to create reserves, essentially ceding northern Alsace back to the Germans. General Jean de Lattre de Tassigny adamantly refused and made it clear the if the Allies gave up Strasbourg again the french resistance WOULD ATTEMPT TO CUT ALLIED SUPPLY LINES. As a result of this cowardly backstabbing, Eisenhower had no choice but to ask the 7th Army to fight it out without reserves, which they did, at one point attacked on all sides and with horrendous casualties. MORE FRENCH HEROISM!

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  23. mrbadexample, enjoy your racist revisionist trolling while you can because you will be banned soon

    and I don’t want to burst your bubble, but I really doubt anyone reads your filth in its entirety.  So you know, don’t bother. I would advise you instead to resume your cocksucking duties on Your masters miss you when you get out of your cage.

  24. Enjoy your racist revisionist trolling while you can, mrbadexample. You will be banned soon.

    And I don’t want to burst your bubble but I really doubt anyone is reading your insane filth in its entirety.
    So don’t bother.

  25. To mrbadexamples :

    Bill O Reilly we have recognized you !!  go back to work ! And give us a break.

  26. Barney : I really doubt anyone is reading your insane filth in its entirety.

    I don’t ! LOL get lost mrbadexemple, you don’t like us, fine, go away then.  By your standards we certainly don’t deserve to be educated so don’t try to. Thank you very much and have a nice day.

  27. [Warning: An Internet troll is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.]

    Why are you all so afraid of the truth? Does it bother you to find out what depths you’ve sunk to in the past, just so your fat gourmands can feast on camemberts sticky with the blood of Americans who’ve saved you? LOL. NOW THAT IS SOME FRENCH BASHING! Learn to tell the difference you ponces.

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  28. Ces malades sont tellement obsedé par la France que leur trou à rats habituels ne leur suffisent plus.
    Faut aussi qu’ils viennent exposer leur démence haineuse sur les sites anti French-bashing maintenant.

    C’est vraiment des malades, au sense clinique du terme.

    Mentir, déformer l’histoire, insulter, insinuer, tout est bon pour eux pour démontrer que l’ensemble des français sont des laches.
    Ce qui est une obsession pathologique, qui dénote de graves problèmes de self-esteem, chez eux.  Ils y passent des heures et des heures en plus à faire ça,  pour certains TOUS LES JOURS sur certains sites.

    Je ne suis pas psychiatre mais j’aimerais bien connaitre le terme exact pour définir ces tarés.

  29. je pense que ce gars est un troll. A bannir à mon avis, surtout après la “réponse” faite à Maryse, qui montre à quel point c’est un gros connard (pardon my french !)…
    Sans doute un de ceux lassés par le site f***france devenu plus ennuyeux qu’un classe de latin…

  30. 10 to 1 says mrbadexamplez is a typical, over-inflated American kid who’s watched too many war films but actually is a big time coward who would probably crap his pants if he came under fire.

    We may yet discover new facets; for instance, he may be, as Rangi Ram would put it, a “lying monkey”. That would be if he now came up with that he’s a serviceman in Iraq, trolling us from a Baghdad internet café. There’s so many phoney soldiers around with internet and the war…

    Ok, well, I’ll let you sit on your (Blog Comment Rules #3), stuffing hamburgers sticky with the blood of Iraqis, Vietnamese, and whatnot down that gaping hole of a mouth you’ve got, and cursing us while you spew every sort of masticated filth at us. That’s the closest you’ll ever get to shrapnel.

  31. Methinks all we need to know about that sorry little foul-mouthed cad is that he hasn’t got the nuts to use his real name. Typical of his ilk, and I suggest treating his presence as a purely prophylactic matter. ‘Nuff said.

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  34. Philiippe Dambournet & André Wernesson Says:

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  35. lol
    He’s back for more, isn’t he ?

    he’s obsessed with us

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