Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

subway_france2.jpgWASHINGTON, Oct 6 (AFP) – Two years after relations between the US and France soured over the Iraq war, French-bashing in America appears alive and well in light of a recent ad campaign by a fast-food chain linking France and cowardice. (…)

Marc Saint-Aubin du Cormier, another French native who created a website to monitor anti-French sentiment in the United States and Canada, agrees.

“There is a kind of anti-French streak in the background of the culture of America,” he told AFP. (…)

Chazelle and Cormier said one reason such comments largely go unnoticed is because the French expatriate community in the United States is fairly small and has no active lobby groups.

6 Octobre 2005 – S’en prendre aux Français reste un sport national aux USA
AFP Infos Economiques
Économie et finance, jeudi 6 octobre 2005
Par Jocelyne ZABLIT

WASHINGTON – Deux ans et demi après la sensible détérioration des relations entre Paris et Washington en raison de l’opposition de la France à la guerre en Irak, s’en prendre aux Français demeure un sport national aux Etats-Unis. (Suite)

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