Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Update for readers: we’re looking into ways to broadcast the event tomorrow night via a private page. I’ll update you in the next 24 hours.

**SNEAK PREVIEW** Educating Jay
Special Invite Closed Screening
Co-written and directed by Shannonn Kelly.
Music by Paul Stirling Taylor

Marc Cormier, the “Michael Moore” of French expatriates in North America would like to invite you to a sneak preview of “Educating Jay”. One French-bashing late night TV talk show host vs. One French columnist dedicated to exposing French-Bashing and Anti-French activity in  America. To paraphrase Howard Beale, he’s as mad as hell, and he’s not  going to take this anymore! Marc Cormier, media  watchdog ‘rottweiler at large’ travels on a 44 day road trip in one of  the hottest summers on record to confront Tonight Show host, Jay Leno  about his incessant French Bashing on late-night TV.  One  province, 13 states and 27 cities later he arrives on the doorstep of  NBC Studios to teach Jay Leno a history lesson. Will Jay get an “A” or  totally flunk out…?

  • When : 9:15 PM – TUESDAY June 21
  • Where : Theater 222, Innis College 2 Sussex Avenue, Toronto, U of T campus.
  • Why : Because French People are Awesome!
  • ReelHeART 2.011: is a watchdog group dedicated to documenting French-Bashing and Anti-French activity and monitoring the news and entertainment media. has been featured or mentioned in many media outlets : Financial Times, AFP (Agence France Presse), Libération, TF1, KTTM Radio, Fox News Radio with Alan Colmes, Der Spiegel, and the Utne Web Watch.

Marc Albert Cormier

By admin

13 thoughts on “Sneak Preview to Educating Jay”
  1. En français : nous allons organiser une diffusion simulanée sur le web, nous en saurons plus dans quelques heures.

    Bonjour chers compatriotes et chers amis,

    Marc Cormier, le “Michael Moore” des Français d’Amérique, vous propose d’assister en avant-première au documentaire “Educating Jay”. Projeté dans le cadre du festival ReelHeART (hors compétition), ce film retrace un périple de Toronto à Los Angeles en 2006 qui n’avait qu’un but : rencontrer le comédien anti-Français Jay Leno et lui donner une caisse de livres sur … l’histoire de France.

    Cette projection n’est pas ouverte au public car le film n’a pas encore reçu toutes les autorisations nécessaires. Pour y assister, il faudra donc communiquer avec moi afin d’obtenir des places. L’entrée sera gratuite.

    Bien entendu, vous pouvez partager cette invitation avec vos contacts en région.

    Pour en savoir plus sur Jay Leno et le French Bashing, consultez le site fut cité ou invité par la Fox News Radio et KTTH Seattle, par l’AFP, le Financial Times, Libération, Spiegel Online, The National (UAE), Le Courrier international, et le 20 h de TF1

  2. très bonne chose se film 🙂

    je suis en France, j’espère pouvoir le voir un jour.

  3. Moi aussi, j’aimerai bien voir ce film bientot.  Bonne Chance avec ce projet!   Une seul chose a ajouter: ne vous limitez pas exclusifement sur Jay Leno….il faut que toute la France soi expose  au sentiment anti-Francais q’existe aux USA, de tout les coins.

  4. Other news…..Florian MORILLON,  private first class from 1st company, 1st RCP, paratroop of the famed “Les Rapaces” was killed in South Tagab Valley in A-stan.  He died on June 19th. 

    Yet another cause for celebration for the tweens at and french-bashers everywhere.

  5. Encore un autre…..Cyrille Hugodot, 24,  paratrooper ,  killed in firefight with Talibans while on a reconnaisance  mission Saturday morning.   I believe he is also of the 1st RCP “Les Rapaces”. 

    The tweens at and other French-bashers must be overjoyed at the latest round of recent French KIAs in A-stan.

  6. I’m sorry to hear about the French soldiers that were killed.  It’s ashame.

    Vive La France!

  7. I also don’t like learning about the deaths of the French soldiers because it is sad.

  8. My apologies, I was never able to setup an online viewing of Educating Jay for technical reasons. We now seem to have solved that, so we’ll wait for the fall so we can have a proper invite to you all  !

  9. To Jim C. at Route 66 TV, with a cc to the bonnes gens at This is me playing matchmaker, regarding a movie. Marc Albert Cormier (from, a person whose English is far better than my French) has a newly released movie called Educating Jay. It’s the adventures of some rogue Canadians (that may be redundant) who travel on Route 66 into L.A. in an effort to educate Jay Leno about the realities of French history and the French people. I love this idea for many reasons, including because about a quarter of my ancestry is from French immigrants to Vermont (aka. “Quebec South”).
    More here and here This might be worth mentioning one way or another to the Mother Roadies, especially when the film’s more widely available. I can’t wait to see this!
    Kell Brigan
    Sacramento, California

  10. Hi guys, I’m a French expat in Australia, and I’d love to know when will the film be available, and at what price?

  11. Hey Damo, it’s still in post production. We’re working on a shoe-string budget here and so far we still need clearance for a lot of the material. Thank you for your patience!

  12. Hi guys,
    Is the doco finished yet?
    If not, have you thought of Kickstarter?
    I’m sure you could get funds this way…
    I never pay for movies or music, but I’d definitely donate some of my hard earned money for this project.
    Anyway, I hope all is good, and I hope to see Educating Jay soon!

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