Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025


By admin

37 thoughts on “The Daily Show, April 28, 2009”
  1. Is this the show with the finance minister? If so, it’s on the internet.

  2. I’ve been watching it. He’s nice, he’s just joking, he asks the minister stuff like “are we becoming France?” and “we’ll change freedom fries to French fries.”

    So if this is the episode, thank God, no bashing.

  3. Ouch, I’m sorry Miquelon for the above messy blurb… please delete.

    Here’s the clearer blurb:

    To think that I even complimented the bleeding American hearts when I posted in my blog.

    It concerned a paragraph in a response to US gripes by their dept of information education in 1945 (posted in another thread by Miquelon):

    “American security and American foreign policy have always rested on this hard fact: we cannot permit a hostile power on the Atlantic Ocean. We can not be secure if we are threatened on the Atlantic. That’s why we went to war in 1917; that’s why we had to fight in 1944. And that’s why, as a matter of common sense and the national interest, President Roosevelt declared (November 11, 1941): “The defense of any territory under the control of the French Volunteer Forces (the Free French) is vital to the defense of the United States.”

    I called it America’s forward defence with a vengeance, and went on to compliment the darn pillocks:

    ” Actually, I have always believed that there is absolutely nothing stupid about the USA; one of its presidents may be dumb and reckless to the point of jeopardising America’s own interests but the foreign policy machinery of the US still churns out some of the best minds in the world.”

    Now, I’m having second thoughts about the level of their intelligence. Dang! If their education about France is derived mainly from their media, it’s no wonder they keep harping about half-lies and half truths.

    Poor guys! No wonder, they are not very much liked.

  4. Hey, It’s my first post on this blog, I’m French but never went to the USA ( I wish I could ) . Still I watch regularly the Daily show and South Park and have a great interest in what’s happening on the other side of the atlantic ocean. I came to visit this website thanks to a link Miquelon posted on a page where ken tucker comments the 13×07 “fatbeard” episode of south park.
    I’m just here to react positively to this show because it makes me feel really good that an american says ” vive la france” cause you know,  the most horrible thing with  french-bashing is that lots of french truly love america and it’s making us feel really bad that people we like hate us. And it’s not only about America, now on the internet it’s a widespread belief that french are cowards…As a military and patriot it also makes me feel really unconfortable !

    Félicitations à Miquelon pour ce blog, j’ai vu certains commentateurs souhaitant te voir arborer la légion d’honneur :). Pourquoi pas? Mais je te préviens de nos jours c’est surtout devenu une récompense que l’on donne à des artistes parisiens et malheureusement plus à des gens qui font preuve de courage…

  5. Now for the bad news… Did you watch  Fox News’ Sean Hannity yesterday? He had a guest yesterday on his “Great American Panel” segment (some actor), who on the subject of torture, mentioned France “rolling over like puppies” in WW2… 

  6. You have great courage watching fox news. When I have the guts to watch, my eyes begin to roll after six minutes and I start turning ill in ten.

  7. “Despite your overly kind words I remember someone once said that God looks after children, fools, and the United States of America. I believe that is in a descending order of competence.”

    Hmm. Before I get attacked by American readers here, lemme say that that comment was left by an American commenter in my blog…

  8. Another American commenter followed on (re “descending order of competence”) with:

    ” I always heard that as drunks, little children and the USA.”

  9. Hillblogger, I just don’t understand you…AT ALL. you hate french stereotypes and whenever any are made you categorize an entire group of people and pour out the stereotypes of your own. Please tell me what I am not understanding? Are you really that foolish?

  10. Jane,

    What on earth are you driveling about again?

    What exactly do you hope to achieve by stupidly aggressing me?  Do you think that by doing something as kinky as you are doing now, you will get me or people here to love you? 

    If you are, however, merely interested in some kind of wrestling match,  i.e., a verbal tussle, just say so! Be honest, no need to be bashful, no need to turn around the bush but please, please,  spare me — and by extension, others, who perhaps are not interested, your holier than thou drivel… you ain’t kidding nobody!

    I’m truly beginning to feel sorry for you.

  11. FrancisK 7, sorry I scoured the web, even posted on Hannity’s blog but I can’t even find the lineup of guests for his Great American Panel. LexisNexis does not have anything public available at this point.

  12. “What on earth are you driveling about again?
    What exactly do you hope to achieve by stupidly aggressing me?  Do you think that by doing something as kinky as you are doing now, you will get me or people here to love you? 
    If you are, however, merely interested in some kind of wrestling match,  i.e., a verbal tussle, just say so! Be honest, no need to be bashful, no need to turn around the bush but please, please,  spare me — and by extension, others, who perhaps are not interested, your holier than thou drivel… you ain’t kidding nobody!
    I’m truly beginning to feel sorry for you.”

    apparently just that foolish. labeling is going to get you know where, acting as if you have no idea what I am talking about is going to get you know where.

    where have I said I want to be loved? where have I said I “am holier than you”? where have I indicated that I wanted to fight you in anyway. All I want is answers. You seem to be a hypocrite, you can correct me if I’m wrong but that is what you appear to me.

    Often in your posts you raise the points often indirectly that Americans are stupid, violent, etc. You use your own stereotypes, is this some sort of justification on your end to french bashing? I don’t enjoy your stereotypes, and I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t enjoy stereotypes about the French. 

  13. Oh my… if that woman isn’t careful, something in her mind will snap… Btw, Jane, I really don’t care if you enjoy my or anyone else’s stereotypes… Not an  i – o – t – a.  You see, you aren’t doing yourself any favour by ranting about like a mad hatter. 

    Besides, in fairness to everyone else here who surely are not interested in your personal angst (against me), and most importantly, as a courtesy to Miquelon,  let’s cut the crap and the name calling shall we? And instead agree to disagree?

    Miquelon, as I said in the previous thread, I’m done “arguing” with the mad hatter — not worth it. 

  14. Miquelon #15 – I’ve tried to find it in Fox’s archives (saw your post) but no success. All I can remember is that the guest in question is an actor who’s played mafia roles on TV (as I recall Hannity saying). Sorry. Coincidentally, I was speaking to someone yesterday who, despite his “knowledge” of WW2,  had no clue 110,000 French soldiers died in 1939-40. My uncle was a POW in 1939, escaped from prison and re-captured in Grenoble. He was sent to Buchenwald and never returned. He was 21. Thanks for your hard work and not letting the memory of the French soldiers and civilians be forgotten.

  15. FrancisK (21), The sacrifice of those who struggle to keep democracy and freedom should not, and will not, be forgotten. It is a terrible loss when one thinks about the loss of a full life such as your uncles’ life. We all lose, and have lost, when we lose great people in their youth.

  16. Hillblogger, yes I’m done with the arguing, you have no points to make, your just a tool…sorry but tools make me angry. You wouldn’t dare change your hypocritical attitude anyway. Be warned your doing your cause more harm than good.

  17. #23

    How is Hillgbloger doing more harm than good ? People have tried to be nice and explain politely how offensive the coward stereotype is to the French. Sadly being nice doesn’t work.
    You’re angry ? How do you think we feel ?

  18. Barney,

    Hillblogger sinks to the level of people using french stereotypes and she alienates the actual people who are on her side. As a neutral American reading her comments I can pinpoint her as a hypocrite. Her “hidden” jabs at Americans collected from various posts of hers: We are violent, fat, stupid, and uncultured. These are all stereotypes created by twisting statistics and some purely in the imagination. HYPOCRITE

  19. Jane — you are hatred personified. And you wonder why you are failing in your self described mission of trying to be the good American?

    Cut the crap now will you? Nobody is interested in your drivel.

  20. “you are hatred personified”
    just because you continually pull stuff out of your ass, doesn’t make it true.
    “And you wonder why you are failing in your self described mission of trying to be the good American?”

    Pure idiocy on your behalf, I am saying as an American who is NOT a french basher, and the millions of others who are NOT french bashers, you are alienating with your stereotypes and semi-hidden insults…and widespread generalizations. There is no “mission”, everything about you is sides. This is what I have learned from you:
    Its okay to make fun of Americans because they make fun of the French, Americans can be generalized into one category which is the fat stupid redneck conservative who hates France.
    You are as one-sided as they come and like I have stated on several occassions. HYPOCRITE

  21. All exchanges between Jane & Hillblogger posted after the yellow card post have been “unapproved”. Last warning.

  22. Miquelon, you have deleted all of our posts, but have left Barney’s post without an answer. This is unfair, Hillblogger is in the wrong and he/she shouldn’t be protected for that.

  23. Miquelon,

    I agree that there should be standard of behaviour in any blog — that’s fine.

    But let’s get things straight:  In this particular “exercise”, I WAS ATTACKED FIRST on a personal level and attacked relentelessly by someone I never heard about nor read about.  Question is why was I singled out?

    You must admit that the normal reaction of anyone who is aggessed is to defend and to fight back… unless of course, you would have preferred that I as a commenter,  should “surrender” without batting an eyelash and take all the spittle with nary a word of protest.

    I resent your “Last warning” … you know why?  Because I see that you have fallen in the trap of that American commenter who had violently forced the issue in order to force your hand — any of comments that are now deemed to be remotely critical of Americans (as mine are) in your blog will be deleted.

    The tactic is so transparent, it worked and you “caved in”  even if you had to be unfair to me.

    Look, I don’t mind.  It’s your site — good to have participated while the going was good.  This is my last posting. Your hysterical commenter will now be pleased to learn that the “American basher” is gone.

    Last word of advice is for you to take it easy and to be extra judicious about your warnings as in who or why one truly deserves it more than the other: You might be falling right in the trap of those who don’t wish France and the French well.

    1. If your argument with another poster becomes heated, remember: agree to disagree. Do not resort to personal attacks, and do not belittle someone else’s argument. Instead of making it personal, use reason and persuasive skills to make your point or criticize theirs.
    2. All comments must be intelligent and civil., which is a private project, welcomes debate and does not “censor”. It does, however, remove or modify comments that are ill-tempered or do not contribute to civil discourse, or contain materials deemed inappropriate. If your comment is removed or modified, and you attempt to post it or something similar again, your IP will be banned.
  24. Debate has its’ place. This blog is debating the environment where some Brits and some Americans make what we believe to be false statements. Concurrantely, this blog should support the defense of all peoples against unwarrented insult.  It is important to defend France AND America (maybe even the English) from falsehood. The key to civilized and worthy defense is to not be personnal. Only address the issue, not the person. There is a lot of intelligence displayed on this blog and we should respect what each contributor brings to each issue.
    There, I got that off my chest. Thank you.

  25. Hillblogger, you are incredibly wrong, so naive and ignorant. I singled you out because you were doing what you were complaining the Americans were doing to the French. It shouldn’t happen and you should knock it off. I didn’t attack your or aggress you, I called you out on your bullshit. Its not like anyone else was, y0u all have the same opinions about matters, which can be quite ridiculous. You can’t just label someone and attack them as such, it doesn’t work.

    On the other hand, I believe Miquelon should have left both of our comments up. The people here are old enough to decide for themselves what they will make of it.

  26. ‘ singled you out because you were doing what you were complaining the Americans were doing to the French.’

    Sometimes, bashing back is the only thing left to do…We did not start this thing.
    The “anti-Americanism” you think you perceive from some contributors here is the result of years and years of extremely offensive comments about French cowardice in the American media and on the Internet.
    I do not condone this attitude but there comes a time when you need to take responsibility for your actions and suffer the consequences.

  27. Barney,

    what you said is still wrong. Bashing back is not the answer, and bashing back at whom exactly? Americans? Most Americans are not involved in any sort of french bashing, so you are making yourself worse. You are also angering Americans who do not French bash and who may turn against you.

    Actions? concerning me? I have nothing to do with the people who have bashed the French and will coninue to call out those who generalize and bring out their frustration on America.

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