Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

We would like to feature two videos from the C-Span Archives. The first video [C-Span Archives] is of John J. Miller at the Heritage Foundation, and is dated Feb 27th 2005. Miller is the author of a book we covered extensively here at The video documents the profound Anti-French bias of the author and his feeble attempts at humour.

John Miller talks about the book he co-wrote, Our Oldest Enemy: A History of America’s Disastrous Relationship with France, published by Doubleday. He argued that the nature of France’s relationship with the United States has been duplicitous and cited many examples in his book from the history of the two countries. Following his remarks, Mr. Miller responded to audience members’ questions.

The second video [C-Span Archives], predates the first by two years and features TF1’s Loick Berrou trying his best to explain the French position on Iraq and fielding many calls, some of which were replete with Anti-French stereotypes.

Mr. Berrou talked about French public opinion and government policy in regards to military action in Iraq. He also responded to viewer comments and questions.

By admin

14 thoughts on “C-Span Archives Worth Noting”
  1. I’m not good enough in english : is there any irony in this piece on the TimesOnline ?

    “The latest gastronomic sensation in France is the burger – and not just any beef patty in a bun. Only the McDo will do. You can ignore anti-globalisation protests, French cultural snobbery and antipathy over Iraq, the monkeys have not merely surrendered but are prostrating themselves at the Golden Arch. “

  2. “the monkeys have not merely surrendered but are prostrating themselves at the Golden Arch.”

    There! You see, it’s not merely the “grease monkey” connection — the Americans are actually calling us monkeys…

    …the foul swine.

  3. Et j’ai aussi laissé un message concernant ces insultes xenophobes sur le blog de Charles Bremner qui travaille dans le meme journal et qui clame à qui veut l’entendre que c’est un grand francophile.

    Voyons si il condamne ou pas ces ignobles attaques francophobes ?

  4. A classic case of racialization through animal depiction. The British, and American press has for centuries depicted anyone they wish to put down as a monkey / ape. We can thank the Simpson’s and Jonah Golberg for the association : [French = Monkey]

    In the USA and in Britain, Irish immigrants were compared to monkeys and caricatured as such in the local and national media. This is why I find the Arby’s line dancing Irish Monkey ad reprehensible and racist, but given the historical amnesia of most viewers, it has not encountered much criticism.

    The depictions of Barack Obama as a monkey have been met – rightly – with outrage and shock [Obama Sock Puppet] – [Mulligan’s in Georgia]. Given the fact Anti-French comments / actions are not and cannot be qualified as racism for semantic and more obvious reasons, this animalistic depiction will fly below the radar, but in its core, it is eerily similar to Anti-Irish and Anti-Black caricatures of yesteryear and today.

  5. I strongly suggest you watch the John J Miller video, especially his opening “jokes” – they say so much about this author who seeks respectability through publication, but whose level of analysis and synthesis is akin to the base bashing of f***

  6. “A classic case of racialization through animal depiction. The British, and American press has for centuries depicted anyone they wish to put down as a monkey / ape. We can thank the Simpson’s and Jonah Golberg for the association : [French = Monkey]”

    So true. It’s funny, I saw this excellent exposition in the National Library of Madrid not long ago; it was an exposition of historic prints from the Spanish war of independence (ita est, the war against the rule of Napoleon’s brother, Joseph Bonaparte, king of Spain). The prints were from all nationalities, and all were quite acid and critical (especially the Spanish prints, which were understandably hostile to foreign rule) — nevertheless, the British prints were different.

    Indeed, the British prints had something revoltingly racist and scornful about them which gave me a very bitter aftertaste.

    For not only did they portray the French, their enemy, as sub-human beings; they also portrayed their so-called allies, the Spanish, as black-faced Don Juans from the XVIIth century. That’s the thing with the British — they’ll be “friends” with the “filthy wogs”, but will always look down upon them as “dirty dagos”, little better than monkeys.

    The clearest example is that of their long-time historical ally, the Portuguese…

  7. What’s astonishing in this John J Miller video is that a lot of his speech is about Iraq…
    He didn’t even motion Afghanistan.

    Anyway, it’s weird how someone can lie that much only to sell a book.

  8. Here’s Charles Bremner take on the monkeys have not merely surrendered comment published in the times yesterday.

    [Yes it is a bit offensive. But he is quoting the american term that was used during Chirac’s opposition to the Iraq War. They are not his words. It would have been better to put the word in quotes. Or better not to have used it at all.CB]

    What do you think ?

  9. Here’s Charles Bremner take on the monkeys have not merely surrendered comment published in the times yesterday.

    [Yes it is a bit offensive. But he is quoting the american term that was used during Chirac’s opposition to the Iraq War. They are not his words. It would have been better to put the word in quotes. Or better not to have used it at all.CB]

    What do you think ?

    ps hors sujet: monsieur chazelle. Je doute fort que ce soient les 15 (petits) messages par mois grand maximum que je poste sur votre blog qui sappent votre energie de bloggeur. Vous vous faites vieux voila tout. 😉

  10. André W //Americans are actually calling us monkeys…//

    The Times is an English publication, not an American one. England and the United States are two different countries.

    Nor are “the English” calling you monkeys. A single English journalist has uncoupled the “surrender monkey” expression and given “monkey” a life of its own. He deserves to be roundly condemned. Have at him.

    //…the foul swine.//

    Charmed, I’m sure.

  11. A propos de l’article du Times : oui, c’est de la francophobie…  Comme on en trouve sur la quasi totalité de la presse Britannique… Quant à Charles Bremner, je pense qu’il adore la France, vraiment… Mais il nous hait profondément et affecte de mépriser notre culture sous couvert d’articles : Love France, pity the French…
    Rien de nouveau sous le soleil (de France, parce que celui de l’Angleterre… Mais pas d’anglophobie primaire : après tout, les British adorent les Fro…er… Frenchies et moi j’adore les rosb… euh… les mangeurs de pudding !).

  12. Great job!!!!
    [unspammed comment with spam components removed – having the last laugh]

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