Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Educating Jay – EmotionFilmsLtd © 2009.

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More about Educating Jay

  • Jay Leno and the Tonight Show – Collected anti-French materials.
  • Adieu Jay – You called my people cowards on a nightly basis for years based on your skewed perception of events in World War II and your willingness to please the Bush administration before and during the Iraq war.
  • Re: James Douglas Muir Leno
  • Jay Leno’s French Obsession – Is Jay Leno afraid of the Consul General of France? First, let’s deal with his latest anti-French monologues. Before losing his writing team to the WGA strike, Jay Leno could not reign in his obsession with the surrender of June 22nd 1940.

By admin

92 thoughts on “Educating Jay Promo”
  1. Much ado about nothing.

    Does trollie realize the  irony of that statement coming from trollie ?
    It’ s surreal. lol

    And if you don’t care about Jay Leno’s French-bashing  (as you don’t care about French-bashing in general), then you have nothing to do on this thread and on this blog.

    By the way, how’d you wind up on, trollie ?

  2. To Sharon(i) @ Post # 43:
    You remain ethnic Irish regardless of birth location and are perceived as such in the “bread lines” of the past; moreover, extending to this day in
    the hustle for government hand-outs of whatever value.  Blood Tells, it has been said, being a truism; also, a leopard cannot change it’s spots,
    leaving you to pause in consideration of the facts at hand.  “What shall I be”, you ask yourself, knowing that your posterity offers little in the way of  truly civilized behavior.  “Oh, I get it, being born in Canada qualifies  me to be a subject”, you reflect.  “Happy, happy, happy-land, I am no longer Irish”, you sing with uncommon joy   –alas, forgetting that your born-again, “Janet Reno” looks can never turn about and that is sad enough.

  3. @Freddy the [tos3]
    Your bizarre obsession with ethnicity reminds me of  the mindset of a very famous person who too was equally obsessed with ethnicity and ranted &  raved his idiotic views on the importance of ethnicity. We need not mention his name. [Godwin point]

  4. #53 Who the hell is Godwin…… God ? LOL

    Nope, someone who tried to prevent terrible debaters like yourself from ruining discussions. You may think you’re smart, but comparing people to nazis is about the cheapest, dumbest thing you can do. This hardly surprises me — as a troll, you surrender at one moment, resurface at another, jump, dodge, ignore points, carry on regardless.

    Your points and relevance have been decimated, and you’ve never had a logical answer to offer; and still you insist on attempting to disrupt conversation. You are incapable of any logical construction more complicated than “LOL NO” or “You are a nazi” and yet you insist on taking an intellectual beating from all of us.

    Give me a break.

  5. lol good rebuttal, André.

    I’d like trollie to answer the following:

    How did you stumble into ?

    I mean you obviously couldn’t care less about French-bashing so I don’t think you ended up here after googling “French-bashing”.

    It’s more likely you ended up here after following a link on some blog you participate to.
    Given your obsession with American/British bashing from the French I would like to say no pas*r*n but you don’t strike me as a no pas*r*n troll for some reason.
    So I will stick with my first guess and say you ended up here following a link on Br*mner’s blog. Because I hardly think your appearing here on this blog only hours after r*cket and after I mentioned Br*mner’s blog is a coincidence.

    So which is it, troll ?
    Be honest for once in your life.

  6. @Andre,
    Intolerance of different views is a sign of a fascist mentality. If the shoe fits, accept it.

     If you see different views as an attempt to quote “disrupt conversation”  need we say more about your deep intolerance for different viewpoints.

    All you are reduced to doing now is howling and screaming insults at me because you can’t deal with different views and opinions.

    Trying to invoke Godwin in order to give a moral boost to your intolerance of different views is rather insulting to Godwin wouldn’t you say?

  7. @Barney
    It may come as a shock to you that just as millions of people don’t watch Jay,  millions of people don’t know all those blogs you are obsessed with. Deal with it.

    Unless of course you are so arrogant you think everybody in the world is obsessed with the same things you are obsessed with because you are so important.

  8. Different views and opinions ?
    Well sure, troll, if you put it that way. lol

    Showing up out of the blue to spew nonsense about French imperialism (or anything negative you can find about France) on a thread dedicated to Marc’s upcoming documentary is not not having different views. It’s purposefully playing the troll and you know it.

    You’re being insulted because you have made it abundantly clear that you don’t care a lick about French-bashing
    and you bellitle the importance of French-bashing at every opportunity when you’re not trying to justify it.

    That would be fine on fu* or Bemner’s blog. The only problem is that is a blog about denouncing the ills of French-bashing.

    [[Trying to invoke Godwin in order to give a moral boost to your intolerance of different views is rather insulting to Godwin wouldn’t you say?

    Errr, you’re the one who does exactly that trollie.
    My God, nobody can’t be that clueless, can they ?

    ps:  How’d you wind up on, troll ?

  9. [[@Barney
    It may come as a shock to you that just as millions of people don’t watch Jay,  millions of people don’t know all those blogs you are obsessed with. Deal with it.]]

    Answer the question, troll.
    How’d you wind up on ?

  10. @barney : to spew nonsense about French imperialism 

    France’s former colonies may beg to differ with you that French imperalism is “nonsense”.

    PS: When you tell a lie, tell a good one so that you don’t get caught. This is embarrassing to say the least. Whats next? Oh yeah French never had any colonies?

  11. [[France’s former colonies may beg to differ with you that French imperalism is “nonsense”.
    PS: When you tell a lie, tell a good one so that you don’t get caught. This is embarrassing to say the least. Whats next? Oh yeah French never had any colonies?]]
    Perfect example of the troll‘s mindset. To purposefully misinterpret and twist your words so the troll can keep on ramming its agenda down out throats.
    Now the troll is probably gonna go on for 2 or 3 pages about how we support French imperialism. lol
    ps: How did you wind up on ?
    Answer the question, troll.

  12. Intolerance of different views is a sign of a fascist mentality. If the shoe fits, accept it.

    1 – I am not intolerant of “different views”, I am intolerant of people who are clearly here with the sole purpose of bothering others.

    2 – Your use of “fascist mentality” is incorrect, anyhow, as intolerance isn’t, and has never been, exclusive to fascism.

     If you see different views as an attempt to quote “disrupt conversation”  need we say more about your deep intolerance for different viewpoints.
    I didn’t know trolling was a “viewpoint”. To my view it’s more like being a jerk.

    All you are reduced to doing now is howling and screaming insults at me because you can’t deal with different views and opinions.
    Howling and screaming? Sheesh, this font must be pretty loud. I repeat: you have no “views and opinions”. You are a troll. Your “views and opinions” are merely to bother others.

    Trying to invoke Godwin in order to give a moral boost to your intolerance of different views is rather insulting to Godwin wouldn’t you say?

    So after you build a massive strawman, here comes the conclusion. Congratulations — you can use logic, but only logical fallacies, alas.
    I invoked Godwin’s law because you’re breaking it systematically. It’s a typical troll’s resource to call others nazis and intolerant when they point out that he’s being a troll.

    Trust me, troll. I’ve seen more than my fair share of trolls on the interwebz, and I know all your stupid tricks. In fact, I can even predict your responses. It will be something along the lines of:

    Intolerant intolerant bla bla bla, different viewpoint bla bla, fascist mentality bla bla, censor bla fascist bla intolerant bla bla bla.

  13. Ok, so you see different viewpoints as  “trolling”.
    Thanks for proving my point – if the shoe fits accept it.

  14. Ok, so you see different viewpoints as  “trolling”.
    No. We see trolling as trolling.
    You don’t even have a coherent viewpoint.

  15. As we all know this is what passes for trolling in this site.

    Person A : Denmark only had 6000 Jews whereas France had 300, 000 Jews

    Person B:  The total population of Denmark is 4 million.

    Person A:  What a sick troll. Don’t feed the troll.

    Another example

    Person A :  There is no bashing of an entire peoples in the French mainstream.  ( applauded by other posters and quoted again and again)

    Person B:   According to other sources, racist chatter in the French maintream exists,  vilifying an entire people’s & culture – link to time article given which writes about growing racist chatter in the French mainstream

    Outrage from other posters  and chorus of ” person B is a sick troll, is trolling by bashing France (in other words  don’t dare tell unpleasant facts about racism in France’ mainstream media  to address the incorrect assertion made by Person A that there no vilfying of an entire people in the French mainstream – that is trolling)

    Another example:

    Person A:  In the USA, comedy channels day in day out bash the french and there is a major news network dedicated to French bashing.

    Person B:  there is no comedy channel with day in day out bashing of the French. And when over 99% of Fox news is devoted to non-French issues how can it be a channel dedicated to French bashing?  Gross exaggerations.

    Chorus of person B is trolling follows.

    Naturally they have to invoke Godwin to cover up their intolerance for the truth when the truth is not to their liking.

  16. [[@oxofamilydadSays:
    September 6th, 2009 at 11:05 am

    you are a [tos 2 & tos 3] that picks out 1 tweet to satisfy your [tos 2 & tos 3] life that is obviously spent defending your country’s supposed honour,get a [tos 2 & tos 3] life….if you bothered to read more than 1 tweet of mine you would realise that I stated instantly that it was a joke and i love France and many french people that i know ……you ,[tos 2 & tos 3] ,categorically don’t come in that group ……grow up and get a [tos 2 & tos 3] proper life….i also mock the welsh ,scottish english and some ….but they can take a joke …now [tos 2 & tos 3]]]
    [[@oxofamilydad Says:
    September 6th, 2009 at 8:01 pm

    the sheer fact that Andre Wernesson had to put “sarcasm” at the end of his comment about me being a French basher ,goes to show that he isn’t confident in someone realising it was meant as sarcasm…I however have the intelligence to realise that even a very poor and unamusing little comment like that is sarcasm …I also have a sense of humour so find something very funny him calling me  a basher,as in english coloquialism,that is a person that [tos 2 & tos 3] .So he is saying that i [tos 2 & tos 3] the french ,well it is obvious they need no help with that if he is anything to go by.And as for me not being polite ,well,the irony .]]

    @oxo, would you be interested to see the sarcastic list of the names of the 1.3 French soldiers who died in WWI ?
    I got hundreds of sarcastic pictures of monuments to the dead in France as well if you’re interested.

    How about a sarcastic picture of the the twin towers on fire ? How many Americans does it take to defend a skyscraper ? Don’t know. Never been tried.

    You have kids huh ? Are they little xenophobes like their dad ?

    [[i tied a rocket to my neighbours cat’s tail today and lit it ,neighbour was devestated but the cat was over the moon…….]]

    Yeah, the cutting edge of comedy all right…

  17. Sharon, it has become absolutely obvious you don’t listen to anything you are told, you twist and turn anything that is said and you are simply rehashing the same-old same-old with complete disregard for the topics at hand.

    I have given you plenty of chances to state your positions but it is now obvious you only want to drive every thread into the ground with your constant trolling.

    If I read another comment that even remotely resembles a previous comment you have made, I will have no choice but to remove your further contributions from this site.

  18. Like I said before, why don’t you come clean and declare this is a propaganda site .  You may think this blog is to educate “ignorant” Americans  but in fact it is doing the opposite. 

    Just ask yourself what people see when they read this blog?  Nasty insults against the Americans/Irish/British by people who hold themselves to a holier than thou attitude while howling about French bashing [admin: warning, once again, do not confuse comments and the content of the site].  Thinly veiled anti-semitic remarks(* see below) (example : court jew and suppposed nefarious behaviors of court jews) which are given a free pass,  time and time again by the adminstration of this blog who claim to be holier than thou when it comes to “vilifying an entire peoples & cultures”. (** see below)

    Not to mention wild exaggerations and hyperbole about supposed French bashing in the US mainstream media now. We are not living in the pre-Iraq war years and it is ridiculous to keep on pretending that the same anti-French hysteria is still prevalent now. 

    Go ahead and “remove my contribution”…….again why the propaganda ? Why not tell the truth that you want to censor me . [read tos, the term “censor” is innapropriate]

    By the way,  gee I wonder why Freddy thinks I am Canadian.  Thanks a lot for keeping your word. [admin note: baseless accusation, once again]

    * [admin note: this is a dangerous accusation, one we don’t take lightly]
    ** [admin note: while we find the term questionable, the term court-jew ( is not considered a slur and is being used here to describe a contributors position in relation to other groups. If anybody can demonstrate the term is being used offensively, we will consider further action.]

  19. And how exactly is it being used to describe a contributor’s position? By attributing devious behavior traits  which are supposedly common in a “court jew” as in quote ….

    Court- jew methodology works in the interests of triumphalism; i.e., hitching  cause to that which is seen as “star player” to the scene”

    You know as well as I do that the above sentence would be prohibited by Canada’s hate laws and for a good reason.  It is playing on hateful stereotypes of Jews.

    Just substitute the word “French”  instead of “Jew” in the above sentence .  Or better still ask any Jewish person that you know personally how they feel about the “methodology” of court Jews described as such . No need to consult encyclopedias or don’t you know any Jewish persons?

    PS: On another matter I understand certain words are forbidden to be used in this site.  Sounds a lot like you know what. LOL

  20. Miquelon, I can’t post my #67 message to @oxofamilydad in the appropriate thread.

    Is that thread locked ?

  21. Invoking “canadian hate-laws” is such an absolute red-herring that I have moved to ban the user from the site for the use of histrionics.

  22. That trollie was a closet French-hater who like many of her/his ilk can’t stand that places like exist.
    Those trolls have no problem whatsoever with anti-French bigotry (hell more often than not they are major perpetrators themselves) but say anything negative about their country in return and they go into hysterics.
    And they have the nerve to come here of all places and complain about American bashing. Completely surreal.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  23. Where does it say histrionics is a bannable offense in the rules? Oh I see you just invented it to serve your purpose now. [admin note. Your messages over the last few weeks are rife with TOS violations: including repeated personal attacks, innuendo, repeated accusations of bias, repeated false accusations against the blog owner about disseminating personal information, accusations of racism, accusations of anti-semitism, fascism … ] [ … usual accusations of bias, etc … ]

    Instead of your usual propaganda and lies, why don’t you tell the truth why you actually banned me…because I expoesd the anti-semitism in Freddy’s remarks thereby proving how insenstive you are to “vilifying an entire peoples” when it comes to “others” who are not French.  [Wrong, see Fred’s (Midwest) explanation on why he used that expression which I personally would not use. You took the bait, line and sinker.]

    It may have also bought to light some uncomfortable truths about the garden variety anti-semitism found in some French Canadians. [admin note: who are you referring to as a “French Canadian”? As well, accusations of anti-Semitism are classic troll techniques one move away from a Godwin point. Such accusations are very serious] … common stereotyping of jews due to lack of personal contact with Jews personally . My remark about why consult encyclopedias, don’t you know any Jews personally must have hit a nerve.  [admin note: a comment so repugnant it does not dignify a response one other than to say I follow a strict policy of never ever getting involved in issues that deal with Israel/Palestine nor issues related to anti-Semitism, Zionism, anti-Zionism other than a profound acknowledgement of Europe’s heavy historical burden. I also refuse to take any position when it comes to current events because of the many friends I have in both communities. I also know too well how trolls like to steer any discussion towards those issues in the hope of creating an issue out of thin air.] [ … ].

    You hate the truth when the truth is not to your liking. Freddy’s remarks are anti-semitic , deal with it. [See Fred’s (Midwest) explanation].

    When another poster made a remark that the french folded quickly in WW2, you immediately censored it and banned him as well.  It is true the French folded in quickly , now deal with it instead of censoring and banning anybody who dare mentions that truth. [Wrong, he was immediately removed from the blog for using the nickname “Pétain”, an offensive choice designed to provoke and other offences. Nobody is questioning the historical record]. […]

  24. To Marc, Regarding the troll:  In an earlier post I had spoken of the troll, Sharon, as poisoning the well.  It had been my intention in follow-up replys aimed at her positioning(s) to expose anything of value   –in her counterposts–that one might “toy” with in the form of a rebuttal.  As you know and others came to learn, no amount of logic or pleas for consideration(s) had any effect on this woman; however, it could be conceived that she might fall prey to a . . . . . . rise  —shrill of tone and substance in reason, when correctly baited; viz, the use of a narrowism   –as court jew.  As was seen, the bait was to be eventually taken  —  becoming “stuck” in her throat.  In one of her posts I was likened to being “Hitler-minded” and the word “Nazi” was tossed around with abandon.  Finally, her terminal post was to tell it all   —as did you response, for which thanks are expressed.  As the philosopher would say, Give Them Enough Rope and They Will Hang Themselves . . .

  25. Oh so you delibrately used hateful stereotyping of Jews to quote “bait” me ?  

    I suppose it is ok to use hateful stereotyping of the French as “bait” as well.

    Thanks for exposing your mindset that it is okay to bait others with stereotyping of an “entire peoples & culture”.

    Your desperate attempt to explain your bait techniques has only further exposed your mindset. 

    One would have hoped that those who are at the receiving end of  insidious stereotyping will be more sensitive to the issue of stereotyping and especially if used in a cavalier manner as bait, it shows an utter lack of insensitivity towards “others” who are not French. 

    Judging by the administrations lack of reprimind of your bait techniques it shows clearly that they were not concerned at all of the possiblity of Jewish persons reading your remarks about “court Jews”. it seems they have the same insensitivity towards “others” who are not French….while claiming to hold holier than thou attitudes about “vilifying an entire peoples”.

    As for all those accusations thrown as the reasons…first the reason was histrionics. When it was pointed out that the rules don’t mention histrionics as a bannable offense ….different reason is now given.
    As for that long list of accusations about me., I can say the same about so many other posters here.  But as we all  know…viva la double standard and hypocrisy which this blog is famous for.

    PS:  Canadian hate laws don’t give a free pass to hateful stereotyping to be used as bait. In fact it might even be a greater offense .

  26. Let’s put an end to this non-issue. We consulted several jewish scholars and were provided the following response:

    “We believe the usage which it is put to today, can be likened to calling a black man an “Uncle Tom” – but perhaps not as severe.”

    “The history behind the term, is that in Europe before Jews were emancipated, they were treated worse than serfs. There were some Jews, through wealth or other reasons, managed to ingratiate themselves with the local rulers. They would often intercede on behalf of their brethren, when some particular nasty plan was about to be launched against the Jews. Sometimes these Jews were perceived as playing into the hands of these rulers. Thus the term “court-Jew” initialy was just a fact, whereas now it has other connotations.”

    It is therefore clear the term is not anti-semitic and cannot be construed as so. In fact, it has been used in political discourse in such newspapers as the Jerusalem Post and the Jewish Advocate.

    It is however a personal attack and does fall under the TOS, I therefore ask it not be used henceforth. End of issue.

  27. I read somewhere that many writers are very upset with the whole 10 pm block being given up to Leno. So many shows like Law & Order and other dramas are now pushed back to 9 and others got cut. A drama show is lots of producing, writing etc – and here comes Leno and his usually tin pot and wooden spoon act.

    Anyway, can’t wait to get the documentary together. Thanks VG, BD, PST and SK if you’re reading this ! 🙂 You’re awesome !

  28. To Miquelon:
    Should either of these characters, Leno or Conan, return to French bashing, planned measures in/of response should be in the offing. One measure among others might be considered, to wit:  Being an orderly, live-show, walk-on by a small party  —  of identity by arm-band [tri-color w/FFI ? (the arm-band tells it all !)].  Security would, of course, intervene in this instance(s) for learning cause; this, prior to escorting  said party off the premises. We can deduce that “physical action”  –as such, opposed to mere “re-action” from a provided  literature-learning source might elucidate the offender to a fuller extent; again, it must be asked if anything other than a fist-in-the-face serves purpose.
    Would be good to hear from you; also, from Barney, Andre, Fred Orth and others.

  29. When another poster made a remark that the french folded quickly in WW2, you immediately censored it and banned him as well.  It is true the French folded in quickly , now deal with it instead of censoring and banning anybody who dare mentions that truth. [Wrong, he was immediately removed from the blog for using the nickname “Pétain”, an offensive choice designed to provoke and other offences. Nobody is questioning the historical record]. […]

    Rocket Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    August 15th, 2009 at 7:22 pm
    On the other hand the French only say that in response to “We saved yer ass in WWII so shut up!” so…
    well didn’t you fold during WWII quite rapidly?
    keep it up Marc!  You sir are a liar
    I save all of your posts

  30. I think that we can expect the more subtle  bashing to exist for awhile. The “humor” impact is a bit out of vogue to be too aggessive.  I like Fred (Midwest) idea but timing is everything and, unless someone becomes clearly aggressive in bashing, we would look like “poor sports” if we make an issue out of petty slurs. Just saying……….

  31. Watching Leno right now. Same old same old. Fred Midwest, you are correct, we need to be ready to act. At this point, I don’t expect any French Bashing from Leno as he’s moved on – yet never apologized.

    French Bashing in this day and age remains a low level, pop culture event. Restons vigilants.

  32. I just found this great article about my islands that references this site called “Recollections of a Vagabonde“:

    Now I’ll talk about something my French speaking readers may not be aware of (if they live outside the USA.) Last year while I was researching information about Miquelon island on the Net I found a site called “” and thinking it was about the island I started reading it. It is not a tourism site but called “The Fighting French” […]

    I had forgotten about but researching for my post this week I found it again and this is why I thought to write about all this. I just would add that the people I know here in the United States do not have anti-French sentiments; it is just a vocal minority of uninformed people who believe in bad stereotypes.

    Source :

  33. Excellent article that SuperFrenchie published on his Facebook this morning :

    When Americans go to Italy, they’ll meet fifty nice people and run into one jerk . . . and they’ll think wow, what a jerk, and then forget it. When Americans go to France, they’ll run into fifty nice people and then run into one jerk . . . and they’ll think aha, finally France shows its true face.
    Read more:

  34. I just don’t see this Leno idea working in the major media markets. His writers will put everybody to sleep.

  35. To Miquelon: Should either of these characters, Leno or Conan, return to French bashing, planned measures in/of response should be in the offing. One measure among others might be considered, to wit:  Being an orderly, live-show, walk-on by a small party  —  of identity by arm-band [tri-color w/FFI ? (the arm-band tells it all !)].  Security would, of course, intervene in this instance(s) for learning cause; this, prior to escorting  said party off the premises. We can deduce that “physical action”  –as such, opposed to mere “re-action” from a provided  literature-learning source might elucidate the offender to a fuller extent; again, it must be asked if anything other than a fist-in-the-face serves purpose. Would be good to hear from you; also, from Barney, Andre, Fred Orth and others.

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