Tue. Jan 21st, 2025


Extinct Anti-French Websites

  1. ConquerFrance.com – Information withdrawn as requested by owner
  2. DontBuyFrenchCrap.com – Salt Lake City.
  3. Francewatch.com – Website by the “Jinx Institute”. This website mascarades as a think-tank website.
  4. FranceSucks.com – Boynton Beach, Florida, 33424
  5. Frog-Bash.com – Colorado Springs
  6. FranceStillSucks.net
  7. FranceSupportsTerrorism.com – LIVERPOOL, Liverpool U
  8. FranceStinks.com – Domain now for sale.
    • “FranceStinks.com” was set up by a 50-year-old Burbank, California-based television producer with a string of businesses to his name who refuses to reveal his identity, going instead by the pen name “Yankee Doodle”
    • Francestinks.com Shut Down by “Hackers”, March 11th. Stinky’ Site Shut Down by E-Mail Attacks – By Amy Sims of FoxNews (Murdoch TV)
    • Classified by Websense as “Racism and Hate”
    • N2H2 categories : “Profanity, Jokes”
  9. FrogsDone.com– Catoosa, Oklahoma
    • Classified by Websense as “Tasteless
  10. FyckFranceForever.net – One of the few anti-french sites that actually requested a link from us.
  11. Francebites.com– Hoover, AL 35244.
    • After posting this link and contacting the author, the webmaster took down the website.
  12. GiveItBack.net – Give the Statue of Liberty back to the French
  13. HateTheFrench.com – Hate The French Enterprises – New York, New York.
  14. I-Hate-France.com
    • Classified by Websense as “Racism and Hate” – This domain name expired on 12/1/2007 and is pending renewal or deletion.
  15. Jacques-Itch.com – Charleston, IL 61920
  16. KissMyFrance.com – Eagle Lake, MN
  17. NotoFrance.com
  18. OurOldestEnemy.com – John J. Miller and Mark Molesky
  19. SendBackLiberty.us Send Back the Statue of Liberty – Scottsdale, Arizona
  20. ThanksFrance.com– Salt Lake City
    • Website has disappeared off the web without an explanation.
  21. TheFrenchSuck.us– Tulsa, OK.
    • Classified by Websense as “Racism and Hate
  22. VetoLaFrance.com– Lake Forest, IL
    • Website has disappeared. After a few emails that gathered no response, the webmaster took down the site.
  23. WeSavedFrance.com – ShotDrinks.com, Inc.
  24. AxisOfWeasels (Now an Adult site)
    • Classified by Websense as “Racism and Hate
  25. BoycottFrench.com – Thomas F Smit
  26. F***France.com – Board that contains explicit language, rife with histrionics, pornographic content and hate speech. Pre-dates French Bashing, likely to survive as a fringe discussion board. Operated by Shon Deux (Alias). Boulder, Colorado
  27. IHateFrenchPeople.com / FrenchHater.com – Private Registrant
  28. PaveFrance.com Pave France – Alexandria, VA.
    • Once classified by Websense as “Racism and Hate”
    • Now classified by Websense as “Message Boards and Clubs”
  29. DkAustin.com/fuck_france.htm – Austin Texas.
  30. Dwpetrie.50megs.com
  31. BoycottFrance.com – Pacific Southwest Region of the American Jewish Congress. Site built in 2002.

Active or Stale Anti-French Websites

  1. 50ReasonsToHateTheFrench.com – Jules Eden and Alex Clarke, London UK.

Media Boycott Sites

  1. NewsMax.com – “Boycott Cowardly France Campaign ” – Headed by Christopher Ruddy, a former New York Post reporter who has single-handedly spawned a cottage industry of conspiracy buffs dedicated to the proposition that a foul and monstrous cover-up surrounds the circumstances of Vince Foster’s death. His book about Vince Foster’s death was financed by right-wing philanthropist, Richard Mellon Scaife.
  2. CitizensUnited.orgDave Bossie, president. Dave Bossie is a former aide let go in the Webster Hubbell transcript flap. As top investigator for Rep. Dan Burton he resigned under pressure from House Speaker Newt Gingrich. His biggest claim to fame has been that he had a hand in the production of the infamous Willie Horton commercial that helped to sink the Dukakis for President Campaign.