Wed. Mar 26th, 2025


About is a watchdog group dedicated to documenting Anti-French activity in news and entertainment.’s activities are purely academic and charitable in nature.

This site is a private initiative and does not represent the official policies of any State or any political group from France or anywhere else. and the Media has been featured or mentioned in many media outlets: Financial Times, AFP (Agence France Presse), Libération (, 20 heures TF1 (, KTTM Radio, Fox News Radio with Alan Colmes, Der Spiegel, the Utne Web Watch and was scheduled to appear on Bill O’Reilly, only to be pre-empted by the Scooter Libby Affair … in Print has been quoted or cited in several books:

La France dans le regard des Etats-Unis: [actes du colloque international qui s’est tenu les 5, 6, 7 et 8 octobre 2005 aux Universités de Montpellier et de Perpignan], Frédéric Monneyron, Martine Xiberras. Presses universitaires de Perpignan, 2006

Une histoire populaire du boycott: la mondialisation malheureuse, Olivier Esteves, L’Harmattan, 2006

De la francophilie en Amérique: ces Américains qui aiment la France, Geneviève Joutard, Philippe Joutard, Published by Actes Sud, 2006’s staff : 2003-2008

Editorialist and Co-founder: Marc A. CormierMarc’s Blog
Senior Content Producer, Editor: Shannonn Kelly
Senior Researcher and website monitor: Blake Daley

Guest Editorials, with Permission: Domenico Maceri, Laurie Meunier Graves, Christophe P. Pinet, Michel R. and Anonymous Contributors.

Data Mining and News Monitoring: Jean-Paul B, Jean-Paul C, Nicolas V, Genny R., Jean-Jacques B, Chris P, Didier M, John de N, Emma, Dedj A, Claude F, Charles H, Jeanine E, Clément G, Philippe R, Judy A, Pascal R, Erwan E, Dennis W, Frederic W, Matthew R, Elaine C, Claude J, Ludovic T, Frank R, Caillean M, Arnaud T, Brigitte H, Rainer U, Chris R, Shannonn K, David R, Yvan P, Chris F, C.P, M.H, Jean-François B, Bernard T, Serge P, Lisa J, Clément G, Kevin F, Peter H, André L, Serge V, Richard B, Joel G, Erin F, Michelle J, Hali Z

Why ‘Miquelon’?

Why MIQUELON? Miquelon is the name of a French island in North America, 800 miles North-East of Boston. It is a symbol of French Resistance: despite 3 British deportations and attempted ethnic cleansing between 1755 and 1793, the French kept coming back to resettle.

During WORLD WAR II, this island along with its counterpart Saint-Pierre were liberated by the FREE FRENCH* and joined in the WAR EFFORT. The liberation happened despite the ferocious OPPOSITION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA**.

This island is a symbol of the spirit of FRENCH RESISTANCE and FRENCH DETERMINATION.

The people of Miquelon, and Saint-Pierre fear nothing and no one, not even the battleship Arkansas nor the North Atlantic Weather.

* “so-called Free French ships ” Cordell Hull, American Secretary of State, December 25th 1941. ANGLIN, D. G., 1966 – The St-Pierre et Miquelon Affaire of 1941. University of Toronto Press, 219 p.

** Roosevelt was opposed to the liberation of Vichy controlled SPM. The American government preferred nogiciating with the puppet regime of Marshall Pétain than the Free French forces of Charles de Gaulle. A historical fact conviently forgotten in this day of recriminations.
