Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

STYlenoyYou called my people cowards on a nightly basis for years based on your skewed perception of events in World War II and your willingness to please the Bush administration before and during the Iraq war. [Read Jay’s Anti-French material]

While it is a fact our leadership betrayed us and surrendered us to the enemy in 1940, over 100 000 men in uniform died trying to slow the German advance. Had the French been the cowards you so often joked about, there would have been no battle of Lille and no evacuation of 340 000 British troops from Dunkirk. But historical facts were never your forte.

One last time Jay, let me remind you your mocking of the events of 1940 was – and is – as offensive to the French as 9/11 jokes are to Americans. In a print interview, you also went as far as calling the French Resistance a “mythical joke”, a highly offensive and revisionist comment you have yet to redress.

We will not miss you, save a sincere apology.
Marc from

More from 112 Gripes About The French. Published in Paris in 1945 by the ‘Information & Education Division’ of the US Occupation Forces.

  • The French fought in Africa, in Sicily, liberated Corsica, fought in Italy, took part in the invasion of Europe and fought through the battles of France and Germany — from Normandy to Munich.
  • Units from the French navy participated in the invasions of Sicily, Italy, Normandy and South France.
  • Units of the French navy and merchant marine took part in convoying operations on the Atlantic and Murmansk routes.
  • On June 5, 1944, the day before D-Day, over 5,000 Frenchmen of the resistance dynamited railroads in more than 500 strategic places.
  • They delayed strategic German troop movements for an average of 48 hours, according to our military experts. Those 48 hours were tactically priceless ; they saved an untold number of American lives.
  • French resistance groups blew up a series of bridges in southern France and delayed one of the Wehrmacht’s crack units (Das Reich Panzer Division) for twelve days in getting from Bordeaux to Normandy.
  • About 30,000 FF1 troups supported the Third Army’s VIII Corps in Brittany: they seized and held key spogs ; they conducted extensive guerrilla operations behind the German lines.
  • 25,000 FFI troops protected the south flank of the Third Army in its daring dash across France: the FFI wiped out German bridgeheads north of the Loire River ; they guarded vital lines of communication; they wiped out pockets of German resistance; they held many towns and cities under orders from our commmand.
  • When our Third Army was approachiung the area between Dijon and Troyes from the west, and while the Seventh Army was approaching this sector from the South, it was the FFI who stubbornly blocked the Germans from making a stand and prevented a mass retirement of German troops.
  • In Paris, as our armies drew close, several hundred thousand French men and women rose up against the Germans. 50,000 armed men of the resistance fought and beat the Nazi garrison, and occupied the main buildings and administrative offices of Paris.

Our comments at the Huffington Post

By admin

118 thoughts on “Adieu Jay”
  1. @ Nick

    Reagan sent Rumsfeld to salute saddam during the Iraq/Iran war….just to ask him to not use chimical weapons??????

    So he is a hero!? Why did he wait this meeting to be made public by the media instead of trying to hide it?

    In the same serie, Chirac met Saddam in the 70s in order to ask him to not be a dicator.
    And Rumsfeld was on the board of a company providing nuclear technology to North Korea in order to send them fake data so they explode themselves….

  2. Communist Colmes,
    Alan Colmes debuts new show in ‘Hannity’ time slot:
    With the participation of Pepe le Pew…

    And they probably laugh about that…They’re desperate…
    How can it be more ridiculous ?

  3. Alan was the first to air a one hour radio show on French Bashing in 2003. He invited me and Christopher Ruddy of Newsmax. I am surprised he would use such imagery, but at the same time the commercial is supposed to be over the top and plays with anti-left prejudice…

    At the same time, that Disney WB character was designed to stereotype the French in the post-war era. Sent Alan a twitter…

  4. I thought that these lies  over our supposed arms supply to Saddam were over, I guess some still have the donkey style, “têtu comme un mulet” ; no averred news-papers would dare to print them today, just a few biased idiots  showmen that want to make laugh an audience, or biased colomnists… umm, I got quite a few of them brooched through my sword

  5. Just a correction: Pepe le Pew is not a Disney character. He’s from the Warner Bros. stable of cartoons, along Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Yosemite Sam.

  6. [[Let me see, does  pointing out well know facts reported in the media for years that the French helped Saddam build nuclear reactors qualify as “french bashing”.  When did the truth become “bashing”? ]]

    Where have I seen that before ?

  7. According to your fundamentalist mindset, bringing up Bush, Iraq war, US weapons sales to Saddam, Rumsfeld meeting with Saddam are all fine and dandy but no one should ever ever mention French weapons sales to Saddam, Chirac’s long term relationship with Saddam starting in the 1970’s etc. And if anybody dares to do so they will met with name calling and insults.  In other words you want a one sided view to suit your biases.

    Where have I seen that before ?

    Could trollie Sharon be “Nick”‘s new incarnation ?

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