Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

foudefafaFrom, here is “Les pires clichés sur la France véhiculés par les Anglo-Saxons”. We’ll forgive the ‘Anglo-Saxon’ reference, an appellation no more relevant that the French being “Gallo-Franks” and take this opportunity to thank Anais Bordages and Marie Telling for this compendium of clichés.

Their entry features : « Foux Da Fa Fa » by the Flight of the Conchords, Henri the existentialist cat, Jacques Clouseau, Dexter (the cartoon), SNL skits such as ‘les Jeunes de Paris’, Marie Calvet from Mad Men and of course Sex And The City.

They completely missed this violently anti-French fake tourism ad produced by SNL ! Off to twitter ! 😉

More at this address:


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6 thoughts on “BuzzFeed and French Clichés”
  1. I’ve yet to understand the « Hon Hon Hoooon » thingy. WTF?

    Besides please somebody help bashers update that list of cliches, they have been desperate too long.

  2. They forgot….” ALSO AT 90% PETAINISTS DURING WW2″….LOL!.. It’s a fu@#%^# commercial made by the “chosen” people!… Bah! The real American don’t take this shit anymore!..I live in USA since 12y and they are more anti-libtards now!…RAND PAUL LEAD now, god bless him!

    1. En tout cas tu fais des fautes d’anglais assez grossières. Quitte à vivre aux Etats-Unis autant en profiter pour apprendre à s’exprimer correctement. En 12 ans tu as largement le temps. “I have been living in the USA for 12 years”

      1. J’en branle!… Je post aussi sur des forums “home theater” pour me detendre. Au moins, je m’entends bien avec eux a cause de notre amour du son et de l’image. Pas de French-bashing, d’anti-americanisme, Cool!…Au fait, tu vas voter UMPS aux Europeennes?… Oui, certains “goys” merittent d’etre sodomises. J’aime enormement Rand Paul car il est anti-systeme et surtout PACIFIQUE, anti-FED, anti-ceukifonchier!

  3. I just discovered this site today and, after reading a few posts, I instantly got the impression that some of you were whiners with “persecution complexes” … but then I watched the appalling SNL video and I’m absolutely shocked. What a despicable and completely unfunny “joke”. On behalf of my country, I apologize.

    While growing up, none of my friends or relatives ever spoke a negative word about France (at least to me), so I suppose it led me to assume that Americans (with the exception of the Fox News imbeciles) generally revered your country. In fact, many Americans are guilty of over-romanticizing France (which is just as insulting, since the fantasy is bound to be filled with cliches, half-truths and gross oversimplifications). Clearly, I haven’t been paying enough attention to the “French bashing” that has been going on. I’m not surprised when Fox News says something stupid and insulting, because that’s who they are, and I’m not surprised that SNL made a dumb joke (because they’re known for being unfunny 99% of the time), but I AM surprised that the audience laughed. They seemed to accept the insulting video without question. Disturbing.

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