Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

Anti-French Restaurants

Restaurants responsible for promoting Anti-French attitudes in the United-States in 2003. Please help us complete this list by forwarding the complete address of restaurants in your area known for engaging in such activities.

Restaurant Anti-French acts
Carl’s Junior Offensive advertising
Neal Rowland1507 Live Oak St,
Beaufort, NC 28516
Neal Rowland, who owns Cubbie’s restaurant in Beaufort, N.C., said he decided to put stickers that say “Freedom” over the word “French” on all his menus after he watched France back away from support for war in Iraq. – Link
Garden Fresh Market,
340 Townline Rd,
Mundelein, IL 60060
Garden Fresh Market in Mundelein, Ill., is one of three stores in a chain that is taking all French products — from Evian to Dijon mustard — off its shelves to protest French opposition to the United States on Iraq. – Link
Jeff Ruby’s Steakhouse
700 Walnut St Ste 1
Cincinnati, OH 45202-2015
Cincinnati restaurateur Jeff Ruby is making a stand against France’s lack of support for a possible U.S. led war on Iraq by banning the sale of all French products in his establishments. The Tropicana, The Precinct, Carlo and Johnny’s, the Waterfront – Link
The Lamplighter,
817 W Washington St,
San Diego, CA 92103
comments to patrons have been reported, refuse to serve Grey
Goose vodka.
Lorenzo’s Cafe, –
Armando Fralliccardi
66 S Clntn Av,
Trenton, NJ 08608
Boycotting French wine and Grey Goose vodka, its most popular vodka and highest-profile French product.
Mike LaPorte
ST CLAIR, MI 48079
Three area restaurants now have joined or are considering joining a boycott that started last week when the Thomas Edison Inn in Port Huron dropped French and German wines from its menu. – Link
The Old Bay Restaurant
Anthony Tola
61 Church St 63,
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
A US restaurateur has poured £600 worth of French wine and champagne down the toilet. Anthony Tola, from New Brunswick, New Jersey, said he was angered by France’s lack of support for the US position on Iraq. He has removed all French wines from the menu of his Old Bay Restaurant, replacing them with vintages from California, Oregon and Australia. – Link
Ken Wagner309 Clematis St,
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Dumped all his French drinks into the street. With TV cameras there to catch the moment, he became an instant celebrity. – Link
Thomas Edison Inn
Thomas Edison Pkwy,
Port Huron, MI 48060
Three area restaurants now have joined or are considering joining a boycott that started last week when the Thomas Edison Inn in Port Huron dropped French and German wines from its menu. – Link

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