Fri. Jan 31st, 2025

By admin

190 thoughts on “Doug Stanhope and Saving the French”
  1. I have told you this before, the day you start to care about American/British bashing is the day I will start to care about French bashing.

    Sharon,  are you aware this is an anti French-bashing blog or are just retarded ?
    If you don’t care a lick about French-bashing then you have nothing to do here.

    And you seriously want to compare my off-hand remark about the Brits running back to their island written in anger in response to an unrelated and off topic comment about French cowardice  to a daily regiment of being called a dirty coward by your ilk ?
    Seriously ?
    Biggest strawman I’ve ever seen.
    You’re losing credibility by the minute.

    And what the hell does fascism have to do with the owner of a private blog putting down trolls like you whose sole aim is to disrupt the discussions on this blog ?
    Do you know what fascism really is ?

    My grand-parents escaped Spain and moved to France to escape fascism. Don’t insult them and belittle their suffering by using words like fascism that you cannot possibly understand.  You poor persecuted, you…

    Truth from you ? LMAO

  2. “But I gather mentioning historical facts such as that fascisim was made in Europe is a big no no for you…..have a hard time handling the truth? ” Sharon

    Et donc ? Ça serait  la preuve que les Européens sont inférieurs aux Américains ? Explique clairement ta pensée…

  3. Et donc ? Ça serait  la preuve que les Européens sont inférieurs aux Américains ? Explique clairement ta pensée…
    Yeah,  in Sharon’s mind, the fact that fascism was first introduced in Italy in the 1920’s is some kind of  proof that the Europeans circa 2009 are some kind of inferior people.
    Never mind that millions of Europeans gave up their lives to fight that ideology. Although I’m sure Sharon is gonna tell us that’s a myth and that only Americans died fighting fascism…
    Never mind that Europe is also the birth place of democracy or the enlightenment.
    What’s Sharon’s heritage ? The Jim Crow Laws ?

  4. As I have also mentioned before the fascist MENTALITY  that gave birth to fascism in Europe is still very much alive among Europeans even though fascist parties have lost appeal. One aspect of the fascist mentality – demonising those who don’t agree with their biased views with false accusations etc..

  5. I am surprised that you don’t know your own European history. Not only was fascism merely introduced in Italy but fascism gained a substantial following in Spain, Germany, and should one dare say it ..France before it was discredited by the bloodshed of WW2.  So it was not only merely introduced but gained power & influence , won seats in parliament, formed governments, and enjoyed considerable popular support in Europe. Fascism was born and bred in Europe. 

    As for Jim Crow, I live too far away from that place to claim it as my heritage. So sorry to disappoint you.

  6. Sharon, You’re always trying to tell that europeans (except the brits )are evil in some ways and especially the french for some reasons… And to demonstrate this you always refer to the second world war with some examples and facts that are true sometimes but you’re hiding other true facts. Furthermore  I doubt anybody here will deny that what the vichy government did is shamefull, but for example you’re never mentionning the fact that although  our country was heavily occupied by germany and that a collaboation governement was in place french families had hide a lot of jews and “only” (Im saying this but 0.00000001% is already too much) 26% of them died which is a very few rate, only luxembourg had less : 20%; other countries with even fewer rates were either members of the axis (finland had like only less than 1% italy like 20%) or Denmark that because it surrendered very soon after germany declared war had all its civil laws managed by the danish government (which means no holocaust in denmark ). Now compare the 26% in france in similar countries like belgium 65% and netherlands 75% and you will stop bashing us for the holocaust, french has a responsibility in this but not more than most of other european peoples even though antisemitism appeared mainly in France in the 19th century. May I had that France has the biggest jewish community in all europe?

    Also If you want to judge a people with history , do not try to do it with a 6 years period, and read some goddamn books.

  7. May I suggest you read my post #45 before lecturing me. I am shaking my head in disbelief.

  8. Since you are very big on mentioning all facts,  one should also mention the fact that Denmark managed to get most of their Jews to safety to Sweden right under the nose of the Nazi occupiers.  Another fact omitted was how Bulgaria managed to save all their Jews .

  9. the fascist MENTALITY  that gave birth to fascism in Europe is still very much alive among Europeans even though fascist parties have lost appeal.

    Another fact from our resident truther.
    Where’ d you hear that ? Limbaugh ? Fox News ?

    One aspect of the fascist mentality – demonising those who don’t agree with their biased views with false accusations etc..

    Errr, all you have ever done on this blog is call us fascists;

    What false accusations ? That you’re a troll ? You’re a textbook troll case for Christ’s sake.
    And biased in what way ?
    This is an anti French-bashing blog dedicated to fight anti-French prejudices and deconstruct in particular the French coward meme so dear to your compatriots.
    What do you expect ? That we accept every crude comment that paints the French in a bad light with a smile on our face ?
    This is one of the purpose of, to set the record straight vis a vis the distortion of French history and the offensive anti-French jokes that result from from it.
    And of course some time we will kindly but firmly remind the people who come here to lecture us about past French misdeeds that they might want to examine their own history a little more closely first before starting their sermons.
    You can’t have your cake and eat it too. If you’re gonna bash he crap out of us, expect some back in return.
    This ain’t a charity.

  10. I am surprised that you don’t know your own European history. Not only was fascism merely introduced in Italy but fascism gained a substantial following in Spain, Germany, and should one dare say it ..France before it was discredited by the bloodshed of WW2.

    Errr, you might wanna read post #46 where I specifically mentioned Spain.
    Spain being the country my grandparents left for France to escape fascism. My exact words.
    And it gained influence really ?
    And oh really² ? Germany ? You don’t say ? Thank you professor Sharon. You’re so learned.

    Fascism was born and bred in Europe.

    No s#it. What other concepts were born in Europe ? And do you know this is 2009 ?

    As for Jim Crow, I live too far away from that place to claim it as my heritage. So sorry to disappoint you.

    Yeah because me and my family are big fascist supporters of course. As is miquelon of course.
    IOnly used the example of the Jim Crow laws (given your response I’m not sure you even know what I’m referring to) to show you the absurdity of your fascist reference. To no avail apparently.

  11. Since you are very big on mentioning all facts,

    I thought that was your gig.
    You might want to mention that the total Jewish population of Denmark during WWII was about…6000 people. Or that Bulgaria was an axis power from the start and that Bulgaria was not occupied by German soldiers and was allowed a degree of autonomy in internal affairs. Not really comparable with France.
    Kudos to both nations  for saving their Jews, though.

    And you keep coming up with the example of us taking offense with “the French folded quickly” comment. Ok

    . But who made that comment ? Roquet.
    A guy who we know for a fact has been bashing the French non stop for years and who had never posted here before. So what do you think our reaction is gonna be when such an individual turns up here of all places and start spouting histrionics about WWII. The guy didn’t come here for a nice friendly chat, that much is obvious. So of course tempers flare. There is such a thing as context you know.

  12. i never post here usually although i ve been reading comments for a certain time now


    Sharon what s your point?

  13. Taking a look at  Sharon and the posture she has evidenced in comments on this blog is seen positioned the  — self-appointed–  court-jew(ess), striving to be identified in a taken-up, hopefully- illustrated-big splash among  other singular French bashers of the day. Court- jew methodology works in the interests of triumphalism; i.e., hitching  cause to that which is seen as “star player” to the scene.  Pertinent  to Sharon is the Anglosphere  –the “big buddy” to her fancied manipulation.  As an example, big players  –recent to the scene and most successful in this art of manipulation, include certain Neo-Con personages, elemental to the past Bush Administration.  It is hoped this perspective will shed some light on this woman, Sharon; for, well-poisoning is taking place in her posts.

  14. Fred (the other Fred), If Sharon is Jewish, great for her, she has every reason to be proud of her heritage and her religion. The issue here is point, not idenity.  Is anti-French bashing somehow or, in some cases, anti-Semitic? If so, please identify where and how, we are with you.  Please be precise and call for contribution rather than unleashing abstractions. This is an anti-French bashing blog designed not to communicate what is construed as transgressions by Nations but by individuals. We welcome opportunites to be better, but please grant that we can be a bit frustrated by lambasting.

  15. @LG
    My point is one cannot howl and scream about French bashing while being rabid American/British bashers themselves.  Bottom line practise what you preach.   Have the same standards for everybody, not one special standard  for the French ( example :  ‘French folding quickly’ in WW2 is bashing but British running away at Dunkirk is not bashing). There are other countless examples like this. It is ok to offend and insult Americans but not ok to offend and insult the French. The double standard etc.

  16. Barney :  You might want to mention that the total Jewish population of Denmark during WWII was about…6000 people.

    The Facts : From BBC

    one occupied country in Europe did more than any other to protect Jews – Denmark. The Germans had first occupied Denmark in 1940 but it was only now, in August 1943, after Danish resistance had inc…

    one occupied country in Europe did more than any other to protect Jews – Denmark. The Germans had first occupied Denmark in 1940 but it was only now, in August 1943, after Danish resistance had increased, that they imposed full military rule. Now German brutality was practiced in the open and the Danish Jews were hugely at risk.
    In September 1943 Hitler’s representative in Denmark, Dr Werner Best of the SS, a man whose hands were already bloodied by the persecution of Jews in France and Poland, met with the German diplomat, Georg Ferdinand Duckwitz, a known sympathizer of the Danes. According to their later testimony, Best first informed him that 8000 Danish Jews would shortly be rounded up…

  17. Sharon, As I remember my history, Denmark joined with the neutrals and was invaded, without any capable resistance. Germans were not prepared to waste troops and they were critical elsewhere. Over time the Danes preformed two great feats against Germany. First, the Danes were able to successfuly their local Jewish neighbors to Sweden by utilizing  the personel that the Germans left mostly unguarded on the ferries. Of the 6,00 to 7,500 (estimates) identified Jewish persons all but 284 escaped or remained hidden.Unfortunitely the 284, I believe, were killed.
    The Second service to defeat Germany, was the heroric vandalism, blockage and interuptions which tied up the German Forces from proceeding to the front in France and Belgium after D-Day. A proud and great contribution to the Allies, especially for a Nation of only Four million souls.

  18. This discussion has no goal… Sharon just wants to say that we are bad and fascist. She lives in another world… maybe she doesn’t know that the history of the USA is not that beautiful. I’m tired of the WWII arguments to explain everything, maybe we can change a little and talk about the indians, the slaves, the Bomb A…

  19. Please do not feed the troll. This person lives by simplistic dichotomies, historical reductionism and manicheistic logic. By clutching at straws, this person is trying to justify French Bashing by painting us as US or British Bashers. It’s their only weak angle and will repeat it time and time again expecting a different response from us.

  20. FrancoisA, Just because this issue of “fascist” is brought up, I see minimal reason to believe that it is directed towards France. Though is is sometimes absurdly used in describing French or German, Its’ definition is inmaterial to the subject of France. May be wrong, but I wouldn’t be supprised if there weren’t more monarchianistic that Fascist in France, Maybe reverse that for Germany, but still, not material. France and Europe are overwhelmingly pro democratic and, that, is the significant factor.
    There is a defense for bring up Denmark. They have been allied with France far more than functioning as enemies,  they are a people who are talented, intelligent and I am not aware of any serrious anti-France slant.
    Also, I don’t think that making threats to bash Americans shortcommings is any function of this site. The United States and France are Allies, period. What address is French bashing by individuals, regardless of the title, nationality, political disposition, or attitude.

  21. My point is one cannot howl and scream about French bashing while being rabid American/British bashers themselves

    Only in your sick mind do you see rabid American/British bashers here.
    You even called Fred Orth a basher. The guy is like the sweetest guy in the world.
    You’re an apologist for French-bashing and your wet dream is to silence people like us so you can feel better about your bigotry. You disgusting troll.

  22. The Facts : From BBC

    The fact is that the  entire Jewish population of Denmark during WWII was around 6000. To be compared with the 300 000 strong  in France.
    A little factoid you might want to to mention if you had any ounce of honesty in that sick mind of yours.

    What DOESN’T terrorize the french??

    This just in…Bees declare victory after French surrender.

    Have the French surrendered yet?

    I heard that the Asian Hornets have some good deals on FAMAS……only dropped once.

    I guess the French tradition of waving a white flag of surrender didn’t work this time.

    Just wave white flags at the wasps, I hear that’s what the French do whenever they’re invaded.

    Oh, and by the way, the French national flag is not really the Tricolour, it is a white cross on a white background.

  24. ^^^^
    And it’s the same on every comment section that goes with articles about France. No matter the topic. It never fails just like clockwork.

    This American/British obsession with painting the French as cowards is exactly what the pathetic trolls like Sharon don’t want you to see.

    The disgusting troll is probably going to argue that the French do the same.
    And I will ask that troll to show us where we do the same and that troll will be unable to answer simply because we don’t.
    We don’t make fun of the biggest tragedies in American history to make jokes and dehumanize the American people every time Americans are mentioned in a newspaper article.

  25. @Barney, you still keep on claiming there were only 6000 Jews in Denmark? So little regard for the truth.  I suggest you do some research before making false claims about the amount of Jews in Denmark.  How the hell did the Nazis plan to round up  8000 Jews in Denmark (from BBC)  if there were only 6000 Jews in the country. Obviously you didn’t even bother reading my entire post before writing your page long rebuttal to it.  If you don’t even read my entire posts, but write pages and pages about me and my motives…well, need we say more?

  26. 8000 ? Wow huge difference.  You got me there.
    Once again to be compared with the 300 000 in France.

    Anyway I’m gonna follow Miquelon’s advice and stop feeding you from now on, you ugly troll.

  27. @Fred Orth
    I was not saying Europeans are fascists today. If you had read my posts on this subject you would have realized that I was talking about the fascist MENTALITY.  These people are not fascists but nevertheless have not shed the fascist mentality – demonizing others by throwing false accusations, not debating the points raised but instead making personal attacks.  This site has plenty of viscious personal attacks on me……whereas I have not made personal attacks on anybody here. …so who has the fascist MENTALITY  in this site? 

    I was looking into the ROOTS of the fascist mentality and of course the roots are in Europe.  It is a historical fact, that fascisim was born and bread in Europe and even though it might be a discredited now in Europe, it appears the fascist MENTALITY  is alive and well in among some Europeans.

  28. What was the total population of France?
    What was the total population of Denmark?
    4 miilion Danes managed to save almost 8000 Jews, I would say thats a pretty good ratio.

  29. @Fred “Germans were not prepared to waste troops and they were critical elsewhere”

    Possible but since Denmark was a tiny country they didn’t need crack troops to even impose full miliary rule in 1943  (from BBC – in August 1943, after Danish resistance had increased, that they imposed full military rule. Now German brutality was practiced in the open and the Danish Jews were hugely at risk.”)
    the Danish cabinet rejected German demands for legislation discriminating against Denmark’s Jewish

  30. Before the attacks on me for mentioning the numbers of Jews and Danes start…..Who first bought up the numbers of Jews in Denmark and France?
    That would of course make people think about the total population of Denmark vis via France. Tough if people don’t like facts about difference in population between Denmark and France.  The truth is very hard to handle for certain people in this site.  All hell will be break loose and now the personal attacks will start ( hooray for the fascist mentality!)

  31. @Bob
    Take a look as these remarks…

    Fred  : “self-appointed–  [term removed], striving to be identified in a taken-up…………………..Court- jew methodology works in the interests of triumphalism; ”

    Time to write your own about how “Anglos” write lies about French anti-semitism. **

    [term removed]

  32. Miquelon, how long are you gonna let that troll defile your blog like this ?

  33. Ce n’était pas du tout une menace, c’était seulement pour signaler une évidence : toutes les nations ont des pages noires dans leur histoire et il est stupide de regarder les peuples qu’à travers celles-ci.

    But please Sharon, continu to explain us that we have a fascist mentality, that’s very interesting…

  34. All hell will be break loose and now the personal attacks will start

    Now that the troll has made its intention explicitly clear, I think you have grounds to ban it.

  35. Sharon, why don’t you come clean and tell us what country you live in. I would love to know what you have done in that country to fight anti-Americanism? You will admit the country you live in harbours a lot of anti-American sentiment?

  36. Oh, I see the owner of the blog after telling other posters here not to talk to the “troll” has lowered himself to talk to the so called troll. Too bad, too late now to talk to me .  I will take the owner’s advise and not engage trolls.

  37. @Barney

    It was YOU who first mentioned the number of Jews in Denmark versus France…so does that make you a “troll” ? 

    I guess not, whenever the comparison is favorable to France it is not trolling but if the comparison is unfavorable to France, than it becomes “trolling”.  What do we call this kind of mentality?

    You don’t like the fact the French are the most productive people in the world ?
    That’s ok. Talk about French surrender and jews and you’ll feel better.

    Talk about obsession…

    Chinese hornets invading France, French productivity…
    Any opportunity to revisit French history and self aggrandize one self by using the sacrifice of other people will do.


  39. Excuse me, but it wasn’t me who first bought up Denmark’s Jews. 
    So, what gives ?

    And you should really stop this habit of your of making false accusations against me when you can’t argue with the facts. I never talked about French surrender.  This is not the first time you have accused me of things I have never talked about here,  do you have a problem ?

  40. Excuse me, but it wasn’t me who first bought up Denmark’s Jews. 
    So, what gives ?And you should really stop this habit of your of making false accusations against me

    My post #84 had absolutely nothing do to with you, troll.
    Which would be pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain.

    I told you. I’m done feeding you.

  41. And my first post about Denmark’s Jews had nothing to do with you either yet…so I assume by your own definition you are troll.

  42. Just a reminder to readers and participants.

    While discussion is encouraged within the limits of acceptable discourse, we will continue to closely monitor the behaviour of users, most notably those that engage in trolling activities.

    A reminder about our mandate at is a watchdog group dedicated to documenting Anti-French activity in news and entertainment.’s activities are of a purely academic and charitable in nature.

    This site is a private initiative and does not represent the official policies of any State or any political group from France or anywhere else.

  43. Here is what passes for “trolling” in this site.

    Person A :  Denmark only had 6000 Jews compared to 300,000 Jews in France.

    Person B: The total population of Denmark is 4 million .

    Persona A:   What a sick troll. Person B is a sick troll. don’t feed the troll.

  44. Another example of what is deemed “trolling” in this site

    Person A :  At Dunkirk, the Brits run back to their little island
    Person B :  French folded quickly during WW2

    outrage follows over “folded quickly” remark and it is banned and the person who made that remark is labeled a troll and banned as well for good measure

    Person C :  How come “brits running back to their Island” is not bashing but French folding quickly is bashing “? Isn’t that a double standard and Brit bashing.

    Outrage follows  : Person C is a troll who yells double standards and brit bashing as a trolling mechanism . They are all lies etc etc.

    (But no one addresses the issue that was raised by Person C, how come Brits running back to their island is not bashing?  And no one will ever address that issue, much easier to label person C  a troll to censor someone who points out  double standards)

  45. Went to a small dinner gathering. Interesting collection of people, India, Jordan, Palestine, Peru, Brazil, Iran and five native born Americans. The core subject was the US healthcare system (yes, I’m one of those insurance types – Stoploss underwriting) and the group was a equal mix conservative to moderate to liberal. Conversation evolved to the French healthcare system. All were very positive about what the French provided. Most expressed they expected nothing but the best out of the French. Good vibes. We also expressed concern over the use over here of the Brits and Canada as bad examples -general frustration about all the negative talk that they hear. It is so nice to be in a room with people of different political positions and have a civilized, intelligent conversation.

  46. ^^^^
    Well the discussions are always more civil and reasonable when people are face to face in a relaxed atmosphere.
    Especially when food is involved.
    Internet anonymity and the distance on the other hand is the perfect combination for people to act like total douches.

    On a somewhat related note:
    5 Ways to Stop Trolls from Killing the Internet

  47. Good food and good wine sure does better for a discussion than having a pizza while using the computer and saying BS on forums and blogs.

  48. @Thibault : “than having a pizza while using the computer and saying BS on forums and blogs.”

    I presume you are talking from personal experience. Maybe you should cut down on the pizza.

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