Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Dear Senator McCain,

A bit of humor on the campaign trail is a great way to engage your crowds, however your incessant jabs at France are way passed their due date. Your musings on France’s purported Anti-Americanism, specifically in presidential circles*, is not only inaccurate; it only serves to perpetuate Anti-French attitudes in your electorate and your party.

For the last five years, Republicans have bashed France and the French with complete impunity and you were no stranger to this form of trickle-down hatred**.

You are running for President of the United States of America not for Last Comic Standing.

* “We now have a pro-American president of France, by the way, which shows that if you live long enough anything can happen”
** “They remind me of an aging movie actress in the 1940s who is still trying to dine out on her looks but doesn’t have the face for it.” John McCain, February 2003.

Sources: ReutersMiquelon.orgAssociated Press (

By admin

21 thoughts on “John McCain Please Leave France Alone”
  1. Did you send this to him? Perhaps we should create a blank template, fill in our names and send letters to McCain.

    This French-bashing is sickening…

  2. Off topic a little. Well, it’s still about the US elctions…
    I’d like to point your attention toward this thread on Charles Bremner’s blog.
    It’s become as bad as anything you can read on

    I think you should consider writing an entry on Bremner whose silence at the vile anti-French comments is quite telling.
    I think it’s especially important to go after Bremner and his blog because Bremner is often invited on French TV.

  3. I’m not sure McCain is thinking when he spits out these comments. He still thinks invading Iraq was a great idea!

  4. Off topic a little. Well, it’s still about the US elctions…
    I’d like to point your attention toward this thread on Charles Bremner’s blog.
    It’s become as bad as anything you can read on ffcom

    I think you should consider writing an entry on Bremner whose silence at the vile anti-French comments is quite telling.
    I think it’s especially important to go after Bremner and his blog because Bremner is often invited on French TV.

  5. A nearly identical reaction from commentors on a post regarding the British view of Obama/McCain.  As for McCain, I hope that will send hiom this letter.  As for bremmer, he must be exposed as the two-faced, anti-French bigot he really is.

  6. When garbage gets published : La guerre? Non, monsieur! By Arthur Black, a syndicated columnist and Canadian “humorist”.

    “La guerre? Non, monsieur!” is a childish piece of French Bashing that reads like a rehash of that infamous “military history of France” email that mysteriously appeared on the web in 2003. Arthur Black, cultural laggard?

  7. Barney, your previous message got caught in the spam filter, sorry about that – I just liberated it. T’is true N. Sarkozy is a very strange kind of americanophile as he is absolutely incapable of speaking the language. His supposedly pro-American stance is really a form of political grand standing with little or no understanding of the country and culture.

    About the 9/11 revisionism, it’s a blemish on our country as well. We seem to have fostered an environment in France that lets people like Bigeard and scumbags like Thierry Meyssan flourish. We cannot fight Anti-French attitudes if we act like there is no Anti-Americanism.

    We cannot however let Anti-French prejudice be justified as a tit for tat response to Anti-Americanism, they are seperate entities. At the same time, deying Anti-Americanism will only make our position weaker. One battle a at a time will always be my response.

  8. #7
    Funny he forgot to mention how Napoleon’s French army conquered most of Europe and those 1.4 million French soldiers who died in WWI.
    Just a footnote for that ‘humorist”, I’m sure.

  9. I agree with ” Barney has not left the building” on writing an entry on Charles Bremmer. To bring out so much hatred out of a certain America, France must be doing something right. A certain America has a huge ego masking a very fragile  persona.

  10. Democracy Arsenal – John McCain engaged in the anti-French bashing of the far right because they opposed the invasion of the war. “The Lord said the poor will always be with us, and the French will be with us, too,” said McCain, a member of the Armed Services Committee. “This is part of a continuing French practice of throwing sand in the gears of the Atlantic alliance. But now they’re playing a dangerous game, and coming close to rendering themselves irrelevant.” A few days later he even said that, “Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) likened France to an aging ’40s starlet “still trying to dine out on her looks but doesn’t have the face for it.” [NY Times, 2/14/03. NY Daily News, 2/17/03]

  11. About Mr Black’s asinine wit – suffice to say that his quote of Patton is demonstrably inaccurate. Patton said something close to that slur – regarding the Russians, which was not very fair either. For the French military he had genuine regard, due to their proficiency at military rituals and ceremonies on the parade ground. George Scott was heard saying the insulting line in the MOVIE, which is enough of course for the innumerable good ole boy circle wanks on the Con websites.

  12. John Mccain is a fukkin bitch i really hate him hope he will never be presedent cause he is just raises against mexicans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. SO, what do you leftist, anti-American [TOS 3] think now? Hope you don’t like getting to see a doctor. Hope you don’t mind  having all your income confiscated. Hope you don’t mind Obama’s desire to keep troops in the middle east (gee, go figure)…and under him they’re getting more casualties now more than ever. Let’s here it for the  [TOS 3] , [TOS 3] of the looney left! Yeaaaa communism!!!!

  14. On a historical note, I, sir, DO remember socialism – not the Soviet style, but the kind that came with François Mitterrand’s election in 1981. I remember turning on our black and white television (it was a NTSC machine on a PAL SECAM island) and being shocked at the sight of the leader of the Communist Party, Georges Marchais, claiming victory for all the left. The first months of Mitterrand’s presidency were profoundly left-wing. Westerns were banned from television and money left the country. Anyone who wanted to buy foreign currency had to carry around a special card that kept track of such transactions.

    I remember the devaluations of the Franc, I remember the nationalization of major companies … By 1984 the left-wing experiment was dead, a proposal to “nationalize” catholic schools was met with massive demonstrations. Mitterrand became a centrist president during the rest of this term and the following seven year term.

    Anyone claiming there is socialism in any way shape or form in the USA today is not only deluded, they are profound ignoramuses of epic proportions.

  15. [[SO, what do you leftist, anti-American [TOS 3] think now? Hope you don’t like getting to see a doctor. Hope you don’t mind  having all your income confiscated. Hope you don’t mind Obama’s desire to keep troops in the middle east (gee, go figure)…and under him they’re getting more casualties now more than ever. Let’s here it for the  [TOS 3] , [TOS 3] of the looney left! Yeaaaa communism!!!!]]
    Who the hell are you talking to ?
    I think you got the wrong people here. Most of the people here are French people denouncing French-bashing.
    We’re just glad to see someone like McCain who has made virulent anti-French comments out of office. That’s all.
    Personally, I couldn’t care less about how much taxes American pays or wether or not they see a doctor.

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