Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

“One might wonder how a Frenchman wound up hosting a liberal talk show on a radio station in Cleveland that caters to conservatives. It happened when Simon Badinter, an advertising executive by day, decided he wanted to give radio a try.” Read more at WKYC. Listen to the show at WTAM.

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8 thoughts on “Simon Badinter – When The French Fight Back”
  1. Now we need to figure out how to get about one hundred of Simon type personalities on radio all over this country!

  2. J’ai hâte de l’écouter samedi prochain.

    The Simon Rendez Vous Saturdays 1pm-3pm on WTAM 1100.
    N’oubliez pas le Podcast !

    J’adore : His early shows brought calls from French-bashing listeners.
    “They said ‘F’ the French. I told them I would play two minutes of France’s national anthem every time that happened, ” Badinter said.

  3. More power to him!. I love it!!!!
    France must be doing something right to get the American media so obsessed with that country.
    Their ego got badly bruised when president Chirac of France told him that his country would not invade Iraq.

  4. Simon is a [***].  His show [***].  There are plenty of USA haters on radio and TV now; we don’t need Simon.  When WTAM gives air time to [***] like Simon and Art McCoy, I’m thinking that there must be some government regulation that requires them to provide time for numb-skulls and anti-american [***] (yes, I said [***] – get over it AND yourselves you politically correct dumb-asses)
    Reminder to all : “Through your use of this site, you agree that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, abusive, malign, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. Remember the 8th grade rule: if you wouldn’t post it in your daughter or son’s grade 8 class, why post it at all?” – Moderator

  5. Simon est un fils à Papa,sans lequel il ne serait resté ce qu’il est en vérité:Une petite merde.
    Hautain,Obsédé sexuel,Vulgaire et dénué de ttes formes d’intelligence.
    Quand à sa maitrise de la langue anglaise!!!!!!!!!!
    Rien que pour cela,à écouter trois minutes,mort de rire…………
    Inutile d’en dire +,cela lui donnerait beaucoup d’importance pour vraiment pas grand chose.

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